OTC Stock Review Issues Report on Medical Marijuana Inc.

ATLANTA, May 14, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OTC Stock Review announces that it has initiated coverage of Medical Marijuana Inc. (OTC:MJNA), which is the first publicly held company vested in the medical marijuana and industrial hemp markets. MJNA is comprised of a diversified portfolio of products, services, technology and businesses solely focused on the cannabis and hemp industries.

Not only is it legal, MJNA is an environmentally friendly and economically sustainable business. Since new management, MJNA has seen an explosion in revenue, up nearly 4,000%. MJNA does not grow, or sell marijuana, but, in fact, owns patented and proprietary methods for governments, municipalities to implement production, tracking, packaging and integration of pharmaceutical grade medical herbs. Over the past few years research has shown many new benefits arising from medical marijuana, which has served to spark the upsurge in the number of US States approving the medicinal usage and a similar upsurge in the number of doctors willing to write prescriptions. In our report, we have outlined several reasons we believe this trend should continue.

The complete report is available at http://www.otcstockreview.com/MJNA_review.pdf. You can also visit Medical Marijuana Inc.'s web site at http://www.medicalmarijuanainc.com.

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NOTE: The purpose of this release is to introduce the reader to OTCStockReview.com and Medical Marijuana Inc. OTC Stock Review is not a Registered Investment Advisor or a Broker/Dealer. Information and opinions presented in this release are solely for informative purposes and not intended as investment advice. This document contains information obtained from public sources about Medical Marijuana Inc., but does not contain all the relevant material information necessary to evaluate the company. This release is not to be considered an offer to buy, sell, hold, and/or otherwise trade in the securities of Medical Marijuana Inc., as profiled. OTC Stock Review has been compensated five thousand dollars to perform investor relations services for Medical Marijuana Inc. Officers, directors, and employees of OTC Stock Review, may hold a long equity position of a profiled Company and may trade in these securities for their own accounts. Carefully review profiled companies with your investment advisor, stockbroker, or other such professional. OTC Stock Review is not liable for any investment decisions by its readers or their advisors. Any analysis contained herein does not purport to be a complete analysis of the profiled companies. Readers are encouraged to obtain copies of the profiled Company's periodic reports filed with United States Securities and Exchange Commission, which are generally available at http://www.sec.gov. You can view our complete disclaimer at http://www.otcstockreview.com/disclaimer.htm



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