Zwolle, 10 July 2012


The provisional sales for the first half of 2012 of € 5,688 million fell by 34.1% compared to the first half of 2011 (HY1 2011: € 8,634 million).
Qualification & Reliability Investigation grew by 2.7% compared to the first half of 2011, while sales of the business units Test, Test Engineering, Supply Chain Management and Failure & Technology Analysis fell by 39.9%, 30.9%, 53.7% and 11.9% respectively.

The falling sales were mainly due to four factors.
Firstly, to the general slump of the semiconductor industry in the first half of 2012 compared to the first half of 2011.
Secondly, to customers reducing their stocks, which significantly impacted Supply Chain Management.
Thirdly, to the diminished role of IDMs (Integrated Device Manufacturers) for RoodMicrotec. This could not yet be set off in the first half of 2012 by a increased sales to OEMs and Fabless Companies. Due to a structural increase of sales to OEMs and Fabless Companies, we now service many more customers. This makes us less dependent on some larger IDMs, resulting to better risk spreading.
And finally, to several customers postponing projects to the second half of the year due to the economic situation.

Sales by business unit in the first half of 2012 vs. first half of 2011

(x EUR 1,000) HY1 2012 HY1 2011 Change
Test 2,360 3,925 -39.9%
Supply Chain Management     992 2,142 -53.7%
Failure & Technology Analysis     778    883 -11.9%
Test Engineering     353 511 -30.9%
Qualification & Reliability Investigaton 1,205 1,173    2.7%
TOTAL 5,688 8,634 -34.1%


After strong growth in the semiconductor market in the first half of 2011, a slump has set in in the second half of 2011 and the first half of 2012, which has affected RoodMicrotec. Due to the weak economic situation in the recent period there are clear signs of that there will be a recovery in the second half of 2012 and further growth in 2013.

Brian Toohey, president & CEO of the Semiconductor Industry Association described the developments as follows in a press release published on 4 June:
"The outlook for the global semiconductor industry continues to be one of cautious optimism. We are beginning to see an encouraging trend of modest, sequential growth and we anticipate this trend will continue during the rest of this year, with stronger growth predicted for 2013 and beyond. But that optimism continues to be tempered by macroeconomic factors."

Based on this outlook, order intake, increased stocks in our warehouse and agreements with our customers we expect a significant sales increase in the second half of 2012 compared to the first half of 2012.

Financial agenda 2012/2013

31 August 2012 Publication interim report 2012
31 August 2012 Conference call for press and analysts
15 November 2012 Publication trading update
10 January 2013 Publication sales figures full year 2012
21 February 2013 Publication annual figures 2012
21 February 2013 Conference call for press and analysts
8 March 2013 Publication annual report 2012
25 April 2013 Annual general meeting of shareholders
14 May 2013 Publication trading update
9 July 2013 Publication trade figures
29 August 2013 Publication interim report 2013
29 August 2013 Conference call for press and analysts
14 November 2013 Publication trading update

Forward-looking statements
This press release contains a number of forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current expectations, estimates and prognoses of the board of management and on the information currently available to the company. The statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties which are hard to evaluate, such as the general economic conditions, interest rates, exchange rates and amendments to statutory laws and regulations. The board of management of RoodMicrotec cannot guarantee that its expectations will materialise. Furthermore, RoodMicrotec does not accept any obligation to update the statements made in this press release.

About RoodMicrotec
With 40 years' experience as an independent value-added service provider in the area of micro and optoelectronics, RoodMicrotec offers Fabless Companies, OEMs and other companies a one-stop shopping proposition. With its powerful solutions RoodMicrotec has built up a strong position in Europe.

Our services comply with the industrial and quality requirements of the high reliability/space, automotive, telecommunications, medical, IT and electronics sectors.
Certified by RoodMicrotec concerns inter alia certification of products to the stringent ISO/TS 16949 standard that applies to suppliers to the automotive industry. The company also has an accredited laboratory for test activities and calibration to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard.

Its value-added services include failure & technology analysis, qualification & burn-in, test & product engineering, production test (including device programming and end-of-line service), ESD/ESDFOS assessment & training, quality & reliability consulting, supply chain management and total manufacturing solutions with partners.

RoodMicrotec has branches in Germany (Dresden, Nördlingen, Stuttgart) and the Netherlands (Zwolle).

Further information:
Philip Nijenhuis, CEO                   Tel. +31 38 4215216
Postal address:
RoodMicrotec N.V., PO Box 1042, 8001 BA  Zwolle


Press release in English