Orion Corporation: Correction to the English version of the stock exchange release


In the English version of today's Orion Corporation Stock Exchange Release
concerning Disclosure under Chapter 2, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act,
the words: "and related voting rights" were mistakenly included in the first
sentence. The correct wording of the sentence is: "Orion Corporation (business
code 1999212-6) has received a disclosure under Chapter 2, Section 9 of the
Securities Markets Act, according to which the total number of Orion B shares
under management of The Capital Group Companies, Inc., exceeded on 3 September
2012 the one twentieth (1/20) threshold of the total number of Orion Corporation

In the Finnish version of the Stock Exchange Release the sentence is correct.The
correct English version of the Stock Exchange Release is in its entirety the

Disclosure Under Chapter 2 Section 10
Orion Corporation (business code 1999212-6) has received a disclosure under
Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities Markets Act, according to which the total
number of Orion B shares under management of The Capital Group Companies, Inc.,
exceeded on 3 September 2012 the one twentieth (1/20) threshold of the total
number of Orion Corporation shares.

Previously, Capital Research and Management Company (CRMC) and Capital Group
International, Inc. (CGII), subsidiaries of The Capital Group Companies, Inc.,
have reported their holdings separately based on an exemption granted by the
Finnish Financial Supervision Authority on 12 September 2007 (J No
13/230/2007). As a result of the corporate re-organization effective 1 September
2012, the exemption no longer applies to CRMC and CGII. Consequently, The
Capital Group Companies, Inc. now reports its holdings in aggregate.

The holdings managed by The Capital Group Companies, Inc., according to the

 Share type        Number of shares Percent (%) of Percent (%)
                                    total shares   voting rights

 A share           0                0              0

 B share           8,313,900        5.8856         0.8427

 Total             8,313,900        5.8856         0.8427

The taxpayer I.D. advised by The Capital Group Companies, Inc: 86-0206507.
Additional information about the company: www.capgroup.com.
Orion Corporation's share capital comprises 141,257,828 shares, of which
44,493,218 are A shares and 96,764,610 are B shares. Each A share entitles its
holder to twenty (20) votes and each B share to one (1) vote. Thus, the total
number of votes is 986,628,970.

Orion Corporation

 Timo Lappalainen  Olli Huotari
 President and CEO SVP, Corporate Functions

Contact person:
Olli Huotari, SVP, Corporate Functions, phone +358 50 966 3054
Orion Corporation
Orionintie 1A, FI-02200 Espoo

Orion is a globally operating Finnish company developing pharmaceuticals and
diagnostic tests - a builder of well-being. Orion develops, manufactures and
markets human and veterinary pharmaceuticals, active pharmaceutical ingredients
and diagnostic tests. The company is continuously developing new drugs and
treatment methods. Pharmaceutical R&D focuses on central nervous system drugs,
oncology and critical care drugs, and Easyhaler(®) pulmonary drugs.

Orion's net sales in 2011 amounted to EUR 918 million and the company had about
3,400 employees. Orion's A and B shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.
