Company release no. 15 / 2012 – Delisting from NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen

As appears from company release no. 12/2012, an extraordinary general meeting was held in Tower Group A/S in liquidation on 25 May 2012. At the general meeting, the shareholders passed a resolution to apply for a delisting of the Company. There were no objections against or opposition to a delisting of the Company's shares from trading and official listing on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S, and the proposal was adopted unanimously by the votes of all shareholders represented at the general meeting.

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S has accepted the Company's request for delisting. NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S has informed the Company that delisting will take place within a period of about six weeks, expectedly on 2 November 2012.

Following delisting, the Company will invite shareholders with an interest in buying or selling shares in the Company to contact the Company, and the Company will then attempt to match up such indications of interest. At each transaction, however, the Company will inform prospective investors that no liquidation proceeds are expected to be available for distribution.

The Company will remain subject to ordinary disclosure requirements until it has been delisted.

When delisting takes effect, information will be provided to investors through the Company's website and distributed to investors having requested such information through GlobeNewswire.  Such information to investors would include financial information as well as information about the winding up of the Company's assets.

The Company’s shares will continue to be registered with VP Securities, such that any future distributions to the shareholders, although none are expected, can be made to accounts registered with VP Securities.


Dr. Christian Eichberger







         Please direct any question regarding this release to Dr. Christian Eichberger, Liquidator, on tel. +49 30 32 67 99 51 or preferably via e-mail to


FBM nr 15 - Delisting from NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen.pdf