WASHINGTON, Nov. 27, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics (NAFC) is urging people to participate in "Giving Tuesday" by donating to the NAFC or to their local clinic. After Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday is a great way for people to celebrate the generosity that can be found throughout the country and the world.
The NAFC and its member clinics rely on donations and volunteers to provide much needed health care to the uninsured and underserved throughout America. "It is our hope that during this season of giving, everyone will consider supporting the NAFC's and our clinic's efforts to build a healthy America, one patient at a time" says the NAFC Executive Director Nicole Lamoureux.
One of the most common misconceptions about how the United States will look after the full implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is that there will no longer be a need for Free and Charitable Clinics to continue to provide charity care as a member of the safety net. In fact, many are surprised to hear that even after full implementation of the ACA, there may be as many as 26 million people who are still without access to health insurance.
In the upcoming months and years our organization, clinics and volunteers will be addressing the needs of the underserved with respect to affordability, accessibility and portability of care.
Free and Charitable Clinics will continue to be an important and critical part of America's safety net, and will continue to rely on the support of their donors, partners and volunteers to help provide necessary care to millions in need.
The NAFC has released a PSA in an effort to continue spreading the word about the organization, its member clinics, volunteers and patients. This video includes the following language:
"Every day in America, millions of hard-working, uninsured, people are making the difficult choice between going to the doctor or putting food on the table. They are our neighbors, our friends and families. Many times they feel alone, frustrated and helpless, but you can offer them hope. Support Free and Charitable Clinics as we work to build a healthy America, one patient at a time. Please donate or volunteer to support our clinics, where medical care for the underserved isn¹t a dream, it¹s reality."
More information on how to donate to the NAFC can be found at www.nafcclinics.org, where the PSA can also be found within the blog section. The NAFC hopes that all will take a moment to give back and to help our clinics continue their work, where medical care for the underserved isn't a dream it's reality.
About the Organization:
The National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics (NAFC) is the only nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is solely focused on the issues and needs of more than 1,200 Free and Charitable Clinics and the people they serve in the United States.
Founded in 2001 and headquartered near Washington, D.C., the NAFC is an effective advocate for the issues and concerns of Free and Charitable Clinics, their volunteer workforce of doctors, dentists, nurses, therapists, pharmacists, nurse practitioners, technicians and other health care professionals, as well as the patients served by Free and Charitable Clinics in communities throughout the nation. For more information, go to: www.nafcclinics.org/.
The National Association of Free Clinics logo is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=15962