Tune in to Genesis Global Radio This Week to Hear Guests Judy Dean, Melissa Michel, Patricia Daly-Lipe, Steve Fagan, Patricia Fayerweather-Harlow, Rhonda Knutson and Joseph Moylan

NEW YORK, NY, March 11, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- This week, tune in to hear our guests share their expertise on hypnosis, the trade show industry, animal activism, writing, life coaching, fracking, water conservation and so much more! Show times are as follows:

Monday, March 11th:

Judy Dean from 6:00pm PST - 6:30pm PST

Melissa Michel from 6:30pm PST - 7:00pm PST

Tuesday, March 12th:

Patricia Daly-Lipe from 6:00pm PST -7:00pm PST

Wednesday, March 13th:

Steve Fagan from 6:00pm PST -7:00pm PST

Thursday, March 14th:

Patricia Fayerweather-Harlow from 6:00pm PST - 6:30pm PST

Rhonda Knutson from 6:30pm PST - 7:00pm PST

Friday, March 15th:

Joseph A. Moylan from 6:00pm PST -7:00pm PST

All shows can be listened by visiting this link: http://crntalk.com and then clicking on the play button next to CRN 2.



Nationally Certified Massage Therapist and Professional Consulting Hypnotist Judy Dean Revels the Path to Personal Empowerment

Hypnotize your way to a better you! Judy Dean, registered nurse, medical hypnotherapist, life coach, Reiki master and board certified massage therapist, has blazed a path to wellness and invites you to join her on the journey. Owner and operator of The Spirit Within Massage & Hypnosis located in LaPorte, Indiana, Ms. Dean is dedicated to forging holistic pathways to wellness. Her wellness center offers hypnosis, massage therapy, Reiki treatments and spa services to cleanse and detoxify the body from the inside out! Combining her skills in traditional and holistic methods, Ms. Dean utilizes hypnosis as a means to assist her clients in taking control of their lives, and her approach has helped countless individuals find inner peace and personal empowerment.

Ms. Dean describes hypnosis as a heightened state of deep relaxation that opens the subconscious mind, making the client receptive to suggestions that focus on their goals. Using specific language, Ms. Dean guides her clients to address the blockages to their growth and to accept change as a viable solution. Throughout hypnosis, clients remain aware of their surroundings and always in control. In this way, hypnosis promotes inner healing and leads to outer change--and all without any risks or side-effects!

Offering hypnosis treatments both in-house, over the phone and through Skype, Ms. Dean has broken the barrier to this powerful therapy and made its rewards available to anyone willing to give it a try. 

Be wise! Get hypnotized! Call Judy Dean today and begin your journey to a better you! 

Judy Dean may be contacted as follows:

By Phone: 219-326-1380

By Email: jldrnc@comcast.net or hypnosiscalling@gmail.com

To learn more about hypnosis or to schedule an appointment at The Spirit Within Massage & Hypnosis, please visit:  www.spiritwithinmassage-hypnosis.com



Melissa Michel, Professional Tradeshow and Event Manager, Launches Progressive Strategies to Maximize Business Potential

Factor in success! Melissa Michel, founder and CEO of Melissa Michel & Associates and The M Factor, turns up her sleeves for your business to organize money-making events. Servicing show managers, meeting planners, and exhibitors for over 15 years in all aspects of the tradeshow and event industry, Ms. Michel and her team develop, manage and facilitate all tradeshow-oriented details with an expertise that sets them apart in the industry. Melissa implements progressive strategies to generate traffic from target consumers, and her tireless efforts lead to limitless possibilities! Offering comprehensive tradeshow and event management services nationwide, Melissa and her team turn the spotlight on your business, and turn the key to your success!

True to her ambitious spirit, she is currently launching a quarterly networking event to promote creative business connections. Hosted by her M Factor "Signature Series", Melissa has built a platform for businesses to share new ideas and to foster new partnerships. One thing is loud and clear: The M Factor amplifies the voice of commerce! Join Ms. Michel and The M Factor in Orlando, Florida on March 22nd and be heard! For more information, please visit http://melissamichel.com/

A philanthropist as well as a business owner, Melissa is in the process of writing a book to raise awareness on verbal abuse and its impact on women, men, children, and animals alike, and hopes her words will inspire others to break free of abusive relationships. Ms. Michel also strives to break stereotypes, and recently created a Facebook Fan Page and Twitter dedicated to new-age grandmothers called "Glamma Grandmas." As a young, glamorous, vivacious, and energetic 40-something-year-old grandmother herself, she hopes this platform will unite like-minded grandmothers to discuss health, beauty, inspiration, and of course, grandkids! Become a Glamma Grandma and join Ms. Michel today on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GlammaGrandmas or on Twitter at @GlammaGrandmas.

Always thinking outside the box, Melissa has enrolled in Solavei, a T-Mobile sponsored, social networking and commerce platform that enables mobile phone users to connect, share, and capitalize on the power of social networks. Solavei offers affordable, no-contract, unlimited voice, text, and data services throughout the United States. Ms. Michel hopes to connect others to Solavei, whose mission is to make commerce less expensive by empowering individuals to earn income on the products and services they enjoy and use every day. To learn more about Solavei, please visit http://www.solavei.com/mfactornation.

Are you ready to get M Factor Certified? Call Melissa Michel today to get started!

Melissa Michel may be contacted as follows:






On Facebook:

Melissa Michel's Personal Facebook Page


Melissa Michel & Associates, Inc. Facebook Fan Page


Glamma Grandmas Facebook Fan Page


On Twitter:



On LinkedIn:


On Solavei:




Master Life Coach Steve Fagan Propels Coaching Industry to the Forefront of Personal and Business Goal Solutions

Unleash your ambitions and start reaching your goals! Steve Fagan, CEO of Fagan and Associates, Inc., has revolutionized the life coaching industry by developing a professional network of certified coaches who are both qualified and dedicated to guiding their clients toward finding and fulfilling their "magnificent obsession" or key focus. Fagan and Associates, Inc. is a certified life coaching and training organization specializing in personal and business coaching as well as coach certification. A pioneer in the life coaching industry, Coach Fagan has established a standard for professionalism and has pushed life coaching to the tipping point of global commerce.

True to the company's philosophy that the right to prosper and live happily belongs to us all, Coach Fagan strives to identify the blockages that stifle success and seeks to nurture the dreams that drive ambition.  As a master trainer, he teaches his students that a good coach never gives advice, but rather learns to ask the right questions so that the client can find the answers within themselves. This facilitation opens the imagination, releases ambition and validates goals, allowing the client to hone in on their magnificent obsession.  Determined to raise his teachability index, Coach Fagan sees a life coach himself, a sharpening of skills that keeps him at the apex of the industry. Humble yet witty, Coach Fagan inspires his students to coach with integrity, and his leadership is second to none.

Coach Fagan has discovered his own magnificent obsession and is working toward his dream of building a life coaching empire! His dedication culminated in the establishment of Fagan and Associates, Inc., which has since succeeded in transforming life coaching into a professional and respected industry---for ALL dreams to take flight! Discover your passion, unlock your dreams and find the magnificent obsession within you! Whether in your personal life or in your career, Fagan and Associates, Inc. is committed to helping you identify that key focus and will develop a blueprint to get you there!

Find your magnificent obsession. Call Coach Fagan today.

Coach Steve Fagan may be contacted as follows:

By phone: 1-800-239-2701

By email: stevefagan0051@gmail.com

To learn more about life coaching, please visit: www.faganandassociates.com



Environmentally-Conscious Author Says "No Fracking Way" To Current Support of Drill-Baby-Drill Policies

Once you frack, you can't go back! Environmental activist and children's book author Patty Fayerweather Harlow is urging fellow environmentalists to protest hydraulic fracturing across the country, and that means demanding that the practice be banned before another community is forced to grapple with its deadly consequences. Currently, the New York State Department of Conservation (NYSDEC) is preparing an environmental impact statement that will determine the legality of hydraulic fracturing in New York. Pending this report, which was just extended on February 12th for further consideration, Harlow has launched a campaign to mobilize New Yorkers to unite against fracking and demand that Governor Cuomo let the science decide. Proven to cause severe environmental pollution, including contamination of ground water, risk to air quality, and surface contamination from spills and flowback, fracking not only compromises the environment, but the health of individuals who live in and around the areas where it is practiced. A united front is our only hope to force Governor Cuomo and other government officials to listen to the MANY, not the money---for once!

With so much at stake in these environmentally sensitive times, our planet's valuable resources cannot be subjected to a drill-baby-drill platform, nor can our pristine landscapes be preserved with dangerous pipelines of crude oil pumping through them. Harlow is determined to bring awareness to this cause and to see hydraulic fracturing banned in the United States.

Patty Fayerweather Harlow is the author of the book series Rock with Rodney and Party with Perky to Preserve Wildlife, which explores the importance of preserving and protecting our national parks and historic landmarks. Harlow's 5-part book series (with a 6th edition soon to be published), empowers readers to take action in preserving the resources that make America beautiful. Her environmental advocacy began during the anti-environmental Bush era and has been continuous ever since. She is also a recognized poet with the distinction of being selected every year since 1998 to have her work printed in coffee house books through Poetry.com.

Join Patty Fayerweather Harlow in the fight to keep America beautiful. Contact her by phone at 607-724-3161 or by email at pfayerweath@stny.rr.com

To learn more, visit: http://patty-fayerweather-harlow.com/

For book purchases (available in both paperback and e-book form), please visit:  http://patty-fayerweather-harlow.com/



Inspirational Author Empowers Victims of Abuse with Powerful Story of Survival

Free your soul! Rhonda B. Knutson, author of Escape from Hell: A Woman's Story, has blazed a path of hope for all those who struggle to navigate through the darkness of adversity. Her uplifting novel takes the reader on an emotional journey--traversing the depths of despair, the plateaus of forgiveness and the summits of glory. Having been rescued from a tortuous childhood, Ms. Knutson developed a burning desire to help others, a flame that still burns bright today.

Although at times lonely, Ms. Knutson was never alone. The strength she found in God guided her in her healing, and remains her eternal beacon of hope. She is optimistic that by sharing her wisdom with others who have suffered abuse, she can offer them the tools to find their own guiding light, buried deep within them. Ms. Knutson believes that her connection with God empowered her to rise above her own emotional turmoil and liberated her to embrace life and all the good it has to offer.

The publication of Escape from Hell: A Woman's Story is a triumphant achievement! By writing it, Ms. Knutson has taken ownership of the abuse she endued and has used it to inspire others. She has given meaning to her life and shown bravery in doing so. The recipient of numerous awards, including the Senior Hero Award, Ms. Knutson has also carried the Olympic Torch in Spokane, Washington. She is a retired swimming and physical education coach who currently balances her time as an exercise instructor, a motivational speaker and a writer. Presently, she is working on two additional books: Shadows of Corruption and Coast to Coast on a Piece of Toast.

Rhonda Knutson donates a large portion of the book sales from Escape from Hell: A Woman's Story to help children and young families in need.

For book purchases, please visit any of the following:



For the Kindle Edition:


Or contact Merchandise Coordinator, Kathleen Haak at 1-800-788-7654.

For more information on Rhonda B. Knutson, please visit:   www.rhondaknutson.com


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