The Board of Directors and the CEO of IAR Systems Group AB hereby present the annual report for IAR Systems Group AB and the IAR Group for the financial year 2012. The Annual General Meeting of IAR Systems Group AB (publ) will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, 22 April 2013, at Nalen Konferens, Regeringsgatan 34, Stockholm, Sweden. The entrance to the Stacken room where the meeting will be held is located at David Bagares gata 17. If you would like to receive the annual report in printed form, please send an email to Stefan Skarin, CEO, IAR Systems Group AB email IAR Systems is the world’s leading supplier of software tools for developing embedded systems applications. The software enables over 14 000 large and small companies to develop premium products based on 8-, 16-, and 32-bit microcontrollers, mainly in the areas of industrial automation, medical devices, consumer electronics, telecommunication and automotive products. IAR Systems has an extensive network of partners and cooperates with the world’s leading semiconductor vendors. IAR Systems Group AB is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. For more information, please visit
IAR Systems Group Annual Report 2012
| Source: I.A.R Systems Group AB