HOUSTON, April 15, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Old Archimedes sat in his tub, watched the water spill over and came up with the theory of specific density and displacement of volume. He celebrated his epoch-making discovery by running out in the street shouting "EUREKA!", announcing the triumph of human ingenuity and skill in ascertaining and understanding the laws of the universe.
Since then that word has become more than a symbol; it is a cry for intellectual aspiration, or serendipity or greater cognitive capability than was ever dreamt of. Today, EUREKA! Brain Supplement™ brings to you the secret of Archimedes' brain, developed by neuroscientists. Their ground breaking formula is based on extensive research in the field of neuroplasticity.
EUREKA!™ brain supplement is designed to speedily boost your retentive capacity, that is your ability to remember things or memory. It also helps to narrow the field of thought into a single dogma thereby eliminating the rest of the world and sharpening your focus – in other words it improves concentration and responsiveness and makes the user better at what he or she does.
EUREKA! Brain Supplement™ R&D team has been working with researchers from various universities to create the most effective brain booster formula possible, making it a very popular Adderall alternative for students. It is known as the brain supplement solution for the beleaguered students who have been grinding at their books forever without making sense of a single line; it may also be the solution to an employee when after a long day at the office, just before going home he or she is asked to prepare a presentation in a few hours – impossible deadlines become a more do-able task with the EUREKA!™ brain supplement.
- Recommended to be used as a daily brain booster supplement that will provide you with the necessary cognitive capability to tackle even the most mentally stressful situations or convoluted problems.
EUREKA! Brain Supplement™ has been extensively tested by a team of experts who after months of research have unanimously said that EUREKA! Brain Supplement™ has no side effects whatsoever; it is an all-natural brain supplement that is completely beneficial, it does not harm the motor functions or the hormones or blood pressure. Carefully researched effective ingredients have been incorporated in the formulation so that it gives the best of results.
Think of it as – the thruster of the space shuttle, the brain booster that will propel you through every obstacle to the finishing line.
To learn more visit: http://www.thinkingcapsule.com; or contact EUREKA!™ Brands LLC Directly at info@feeleureka.com
About Eureka Brands LLC.
Eureka Brands LLC. is a company that is devoted towards bringing quality brain supplements products at the consumers' doorstep by providing their world-class research techniques. The products are the results of researches that are conducted for years. We are committed towards delivering our customers with the most substantial products that will diminish their difficulties without causing any consequences.