Highly-Competitive Japanese Subsidy Program For Establishing New Regional HQ or R&D Sites In Japan

Application Deadline June 3rd, 2013 (12:00PM, Japan Time)

SAN FRANCISCO, April 30, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) is currently promoting the annual Japanese subsidy program: Subsidy Program for Projects Promoting Asian Site Location in Japan. The application deadline is Monday, June 3rd, 2013, at 12:00PM (Japan time).

The program is coordinated by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) of Japan, aiming at proactively inviting high-value-added businesses to the Japanese market. This highly-competitive Japanese subsidy program provides incentives of up to 500 million yen to global companies who are planning to establish business operations in Japan, such as Regional Headquarters or R &D Sites.

+ Eligible Companies: Private enterprises whose group companies are operating actual business in two or more countries, who have or will have corporate status in Japan, and who plan to establish a Regional Headquarters or R &D facility in Japan
Subsidized Costs: Survey design costs, facility costs, equipment costs, and facility rental charges
Subsidy Rates: Up to one-half for SMEs; up to one-third for non-SMEs; up to two-thirds for those establishing a site in disaster-afflicted zones (Limit: 500 million yen)

Japan, one of the largest economies in the world, remains an attractive location for business and investment, with exceptionally highly-skilled workers among its advantages. In the past two years, METI has funded fourteen projects from companies around the globe, including the following U.S.-owned companies (in alphabetical order):

2012: GE Japan Limited, Johnson & Johnson K.K.,Tenneco Japan Ltd.
2011: 3M Health Care Ltd., NeoPhotonics Japan G.K., Nihon Cabot Microelectronics K.K. 

This subsidy program demonstrates the Japanese government's serious commitment to helping foreign companies do business in Japan. The subsidy lowers a company's overall costs of entering the Japanese market, which should encourage the company to invest in their Japanese location.

The 2013 program was announced on Monday, April 1st, 2013. Applications will be accepted until Monday, June 3rd, 2013, at 12:00PM (Japan time).

For details, please visit the JETRO USA website: www.jetro.org/subsidy2013


JETRO, a government-related organization, helps foreign companies to set up locations in Japan. For any questions about the subsidy program, please contact the nearest U.S. or Canada JETRO office (www.jetro.org/office_locations):

JETRO Atlanta: AMA@jetro.go.jp (TEL: 404-681-0600)
JETRO Chicago: Robert_Corder@jetro.go.jp (TEL: 312-832-6000 ext. 204)
JETRO Houston: Keith_Sanders@jetro.go.jp (TEL: 713-654-5258)
JETRO Los Angeles: Kristoffer_Miller@jetro.go.jp (TEL: 213-624-8855 ext. 119)
JETRO New York: Saori_Ezuka@jetro.go.jp (TEL: 212-819-7767)
JETRO San Francisco: Matt_Stephens@jetro.go.jp (TEL: 415-392-1333 ext. 223)
JETRO Toronto: inquiry@jetro.go.jp (TEL: 416-861-0000)

About JETRO USA (http://www.jetro.org/)

The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) is a non-profit government related organization that promotes trade and investment between Japan and the rest of the world. Our six U.S. branches located in Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco serve the following four main objectives: help U.S. companies establish a Japan office, help U.S. companies find Japanese business partners, connect U.S. investors with cutting-edge Japanese technology ventures, and showcase premium Japanese goods.

This material is distributed by JETRO San Francisco on behalf of Japan External Trade Organization, Tokyo, Japan. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.


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