OverDrive Announces Availability of Hachette Book Group eBooks

Bestselling Hachette Book Group Titles Will Be Available for Library and School Lending via OverDrive

CLEVELAND, OH--(Marketwired - May 1, 2013) - Hachette Book Group, one of the largest and most successful publishers in the world, will make its entire digital catalog of more than 5,000 eBooks available to libraries and schools via OverDrive. Beginning May 8, loyal readers at OverDrive-powered libraries and schools in the U.S. and Canada will have access to popular and award-winning authors such as David Baldacci, Sara Zarr, Sandra Brown, James Patterson, David Sedaris and Kate Atkinson. OverDrive supplies Next Generation digital library services for more than 22,000 libraries and schools worldwide, with support for all major eReading devices, including iPad®, Nook® and Kindle®.

The addition of the entire Hachette Book Group eBook catalog to OverDrive -- which already carries Hachette Book Group audiobooks on the same lending platform -- enhances the largest catalog for libraries and schools of more than 1 million eBook, audiobook, music and video titles.

"Hachette Book Group offers many of the most beloved authors and series in the world and we're thrilled to be able to offer them to our OverDrive network," said Erica Lazzaro, director of publisher relations at OverDrive. "We've worked hard to support and advocate for libraries by adding the top publishers and most popular eBooks and audiobooks, and bringing Hachette Book Group into the fold reaffirms the important role that libraries play in connecting readers with books and authors."

Hachette Book Group eBooks will follow a one-copy/one-user lending model, and there will be no checkout or term limit for the titles on the OverDrive platform. Standalone library systems and members of consortia that have an OverDrive Advantage account are eligible to add Hachette Book Group eBook titles to their collections. U.S. military libraries, as well as schools and colleges in the U.S. and Canada, are also eligible.

The addition of Hachette Book Group eBooks coincides with the continued rollout of OverDrive's Next Generation platform, which includes completely reimagined library websites featuring One-Step Checkout™, a powerful search engine, and the browser-based eBook reading technology OverDrive Read. Continuing Next Generation enhancements in 2013 will include streaming video  technology and APIs that enable libraries to fully integrate digital and print catalogs.

Based in Cleveland, OverDrive offers a catalog of more than 1 million eBook, audiobook, music and video titles on a single platform, with support for all major computers and devices, including iPhone®, iPad®, Nook®, Android™ phones and tablets, and Kindle® (U.S. only). To find a library near you, visit search.overdrive.com

About OverDrive
OverDrive is a leading multichannel digital distributor of eBooks, digital audiobooks, music and video. We supply a secure lending platform for 22,000 libraries, schools and retailers worldwide with support for all major computers and devices, including iPhone®, iPad®, Nook®, Android™ phones and tablets, and Kindle® (U.S. only). OverDrive has been named to the EContent 100 as a company that matters most in the digital content industry and is a member of the 2012 Technology Fast 500. Founded in 1986, OverDrive is based in Cleveland. www.overdrive.com

About Hachette Book Group
Hachette Book Group (HBG) is a leading US trade publisher and a division of the second largest trade and educational book publisher in the world, Hachette Livre. A global publishing company based in France, Hachette Livre is a subsidiary of the French media company, Lagardère. HBG is headquartered in New York, with offices in Boston, MA, Lebanon, IN, and Nashville, TN. HBG also owns Hachette Book Group Canada, Inc., a marketing and publicity company based in Toronto, ON.

In one year, HBG publishes approximately 800+ adult books (including 50-100 digital-only titles), 200+ books for young readers, and 300 audio book titles (including both physical and downloadable-only titles). In 2012, the company had a record 214 print books and 61 eBooks on the New York Times bestseller list, 36 of which reached #1 (30 were print titles and 6 were eBooks). www.hachettebookgroup.com/

Contact Information:

David Burleigh
OverDrive, Inc.
216-573-6886 x218

Company ProfileOverDrive, Inc.