GoHealth Executives Win EY Entrepreneur Of The Year(R) Award in Midwest Region

Brandon Cruz and Clint Jones of GoHealthInsurance.com Awarded Highest Honor in the Category of Private Equity and Venture Capital

CHICAGO, IL--(Marketwired - Jul 1, 2013) - GoHealthInsurance.com, the leading online exchange for individuals and families to compare health insurance quotes, is pleased to announce that Brandon Cruz and Clint Jones, two of GoHealth's top executives, have been named winners in the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2013 program in the Midwest. The prestigious award recognizes outstanding high-growth entrepreneurs who demonstrate excellence and extraordinary success in such areas as innovation, financial performance and personal commitment to their businesses and communities.

Collectively, all the 2013 category award recipients were noticed for their success in growing their company's revenues by 31% and their company's employment by 11% between 2010 and 2012. Finalists and winners were selected by an independent panel of judges and honored at a black-tie gala event at the Hilton Chicago Hotel on June 27, 2013.

"This prestigious award is reserved for those entrepreneurs who have made a tremendous difference in their companies and communities. We had outstanding nominees this year and we are looking forward to the culminating event in November to see who will be nationally recognized for their efforts," said Ernst & Young LLP partner Todd Novak who is the Midwest region's Strategic Growth Markets leader.

Under the leadership of Cruz and Jones, GoHealthInsurance.com announced this past February that it would be adding 250 additional jobs this year to its current 350 person employee base. In 2012, GoHealth received $50 million minority investment from Norwest Equity Partners.

"We are beyond thrilled and honored to have been chosen as the Ernst and Young Entrepreneurs Of The Year. To have been in the same category as some of America's most exceptional business leaders is an absolute honor," said Brandon Cruz, president at GoHealth. Clint Jones, CEO at GoHealth, added, "This esteemed award demonstrates our continued dedication with GoHealth to provide essential information to consumers. We are proud of the impact we are making and the ability to help so many people nationwide."

GoHealth will now go on to compete at the national level. Award winners in several national categories, as well as the National Entrepreneur Of The Year Overall Award winner, will be announced at the annual awards gala in Palm Springs, California, on November 16, 2013. The awards are the culminating event of the EY Strategic Growth Forum®, the nation's most prestigious gathering of high-growth, market-leading companies.

About GoHealthInsurance:
GoHealthInsurance and its customer-facing website GoHealthInsurance.com is a health insurance technology platform, working with over 100 health insurance carriers and more than 10,000 licensed agents across the United States. Since the company's founding in 2001, the GoHealth platform has helped nearly 30 million Americans shop and compare health insurance quotes.

Founded and produced by EY, the Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards are nationally sponsored by SAP America and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. In the Midwest region, sponsors include: Winston & Strawn LLP, Benefitdecisions, LaSalle Network, PNC Bank, Smart Business magazine, Becker Professional Education, Merrill Datasite and the Chicagoland Entrepreneurial Center.

About EY Entrepreneur Of The Year®:
EY's Entrepreneur Of The Year is the world's most prestigious business award for entrepreneurs. The unique award makes a difference through the way it encourages entrepreneurial activity among those with potential, and recognizes the contribution of people who inspire others with their vision, leadership and achievement. As the first and only truly global award of its kind, Entrepreneur Of The Year celebrates those who are building and leading successful, growing and dynamic businesses, recognizing them through regional, national and global awards programs in more than 140 cities in more than 50 countries.

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Contact Information:

Media Contact:
Anna Brodetsky
5W Public Relations

(646) 430-5146

Company ProfileGoHealthInsurance