Swedish Tax Agency chooses Cybercom

The Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) has signed a framework agreement with
Cybercom for consulting services in the municipalities of Gothenburg, Solna and
Östersund. The agreement runs for one year with an option for a further one
year. The total value of the framework agreement is estimated to be SEK 150
million. Cybercom is one of ten selected providers.
“We are very pleased with the renewed business from Skatteverket. This is an
agency that effectively takes advantage of the opportunities of the connected
world and we are proud to contribute to its development,” says Pär Abelson,
Account Manager, Cybercom.

The Tax Agency’s IT departments are located in Solna, Umeå, Gothenburg,
Västerås, Östersund and Visby with a total of approximately 750 employees. The
framework agreement also covers the Swedish Enforcement Administration
(Kronofogdemyndigheten) and the EIdentification Board (e-legitimationsnämnden).

“The public sector is an important area for us, where our commitments are
growing in scope. The continued business from Skatteverket consolidates our
position. The new agreement also allows us to work with Skatteverket in
Gothenburg and Östersund, which we believe offers great potential,” says Bo
Strömqvist, Head of Sales, Cybercom.
For further information, please contact:

Bo Strömqvist, Head of Sales, Cybercom +46 704 452 520

Pär Abelson, Account Manager, Cybercom +46 735 200 025

Kristina Cato, Communications Director and IR Manager, Cybercom +46 708 644 702
About Cybercom
Cybercom is an IT consulting company that assists leading companies and
organisations to benefit from the opportunities of the connected world. The
company’s areas of expertise span the entire ecosystem of communications
services. Cybercom’s domestic market is the Nordic region, and in addition the
company offers global delivery capacity for local and international business.
Cybercom was founded in 1995 and has been quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm
exchange since 1999.

