TelecomUSA Signs Contract With Ingen's ATMC Telecom Division

This Offers $6.9M in Annual Revenues for ATMC and Growing

RIVERSIDE, Calif., Sept. 16, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ingen Technologies Inc. (OTC:IGNT) ( announces today that its wholly owned subsidiary, ATMC Inc., has signed a contract with TelecomUSA Inc. in an estimated value of $19,000 per day in telecom revenues based upon 1M minutes at $.019 per minute net profit. There are now several other contracts pending with major carriers as ATMC initiates its $25M growth plan.

TelecomUSA provides a wide range of wholesale telecom services as a company-owned telecom switching facility in New York providing global connectivity for A-Z routing as well as a wide range of premium services. TelecomUSA offers broadband VoIP service from anywhere in the world with low rates and easy access using a VOIP Internet connection.

Ingen's telecom division, ATMC, Inc., is an Inter-Exchange Carrier licensed by the FCC for domestic and International Telecommunications services while it provides voice services serving Domestic and International Public and Private Telephone Companies. ATMC supplies Domestic and International Operator services, Domestic and International Directory Assistance, Domestic and International Termination; and offers a very high degree of reliability with its focus on customers and network management. ATMC customizes services to meet the specific needs of the Public and Private Telephone Companies and their consumers.

"With the recent 8K filed regarding our huge reduction in debt, in combination with a recent increase in purchase orders with our medical division from the Department of Interior and Department of Homeland Security; our telecom division has been able to close contracts with leading telecom companies, including TATA Communications, China Unicom, TelecomUSA, and many others. Our public holding company is now realizing the benefits of growth, and we plan to keep a steady course with increased revenues and decreased debts over the next 12 months," stated Gary Tilden, Chairman.

Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements: This news release includes forward-looking statements. While these statements are made to convey to the public the company's progress, business opportunities and growth prospects, readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements represent management's opinion. Whereas management believes such representations to be true and accurate based on information and data available to the company at this time, actual results may differ materially from those described. The company's operations and business prospects are always subject to risk and uncertainties. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ are and will be set forth in the company's periodic filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


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