Military Spouses Storm the Hill to Urge Congress To End Sequestration

ALEXANDRIA, Va., Sept. 16, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nearly sixty military spouses, family members, and friends visited all 535 Congressional offices to urge them to end sequestration. Each Member of Congress received a book of photos and stories gathered from military families stationed around the world showing how sequestration has hurt the community. The National Military Family Association—in cooperation with Macho Spouse, Military Partners and Families Coalition, MilitaryOneClick, Military Spouse Magazine and SpouseBUZZ – launched the #EndSequestration campaign to demonstrate that sequestration is not a painless way to reduce the deficit.

Sequestration became a familiar term when the Department of Defense furloughed employees this summer. The furloughs saved the Defense Department $1 billion. Next year, under sequestration, DoD must find $52 billion in budget cuts. "Where will the money come from?" asked Joyce Wessel Raezer, Executive Director of the National Military Association.

Military families are dealing with decreased access to health care and other essential services. Proposed cuts in FY14 threaten housing allowances, moves, promotions, and more cuts to health care. Pilots are grounded and ship maintenance has been put on hold. "Cutting flying hours, BAH, health care and many other benefits of the military is not going to keep us strong. It weakens us," said one military spouse.

"Military families understand that the budget deficit has to be dealt with. But placing the lion's share of the burden on the Defense Department and asking our war weary military to do more with less just doesn't make sense," says Raezer. "In almost every office we visited, we were told that the Senator or Representative is against sequestration. If that's the case, why aren't more people willing to have the tough conversations to fix it?"

To join the campaign to #EndSequestration you can sign our petition or download the book to give to your elected official. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on our effort.

About the National Military Family Association

Military families serve our country with pride, honor, and quiet dedication. The National Military Family Association is the leading nonprofit organization committed to strengthening and protecting the families of the men and women currently serving, retired, wounded, or fallen. We provide families of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Commissioned Corps of the USPHS and NOAA with information, work to get them the benefits they deserve, and offer programs that improve their lives. Our 44 years of service and accomplishments have made us a trusted resource for military families and the Nation's leaders. To learn more, visit


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