Solvang : Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

The shareholders of Solvang ASA are hereby called to Extraordinary General Meeting at the company's offices in "Næringslivets Hus" 6th floor, Haakon VII's gt 8, 4005 Stavanger:

Tuesday 15th of October 2013 at 1 PM

The agenda will be as follows:

1)         Election of Board Members and Chairman of the Board

            The following Board members are proposed for re-election:

            Michael Steensland Brun, Chairman
            Wenche Rettedal
            Hans Petter Aas

            The following new Board members are proposed for election:

            Ellen Solstad
            Alf Andersen

The Extraordinary General Meeting will be opened by the chairman of the Board of Directors

Solvang ASA has issued 24 652 837 shares. One share gives one vote at the Extraordinary General meeting. Shares in the Group's ownership are not entitled to vote.

All shareholders are entitled to participate at the Extraordinary General Meeting, also by proxy.

We request those who intend to meet at the Extraordinary General Meeting to register using the enclosed form. The same form can also be used to grant a Power of Attorney.

The Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting and registration form/form for granting power of attorney are available on the company's web site

Stavanger, 30th of September 2013
Board of directors
Solvang ASA


This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


Notice of extraordinary general meeting