David Bernstein to Hold Crash Course on HR Data Analytics at PEHRS Event

HR Thought Leader Goes "Beyond the Hype"

SAN RAMON, CA--(Marketwired - Oct 29, 2013) - David Bernstein, head of eQuest's Big Data division, will present "Big Data for HR: Beyond the Hype," a workshop being held on November 1 at Marymount University in Arlington, Virginia. The event is hosted by The Professional Exchange of Human Resource Solutions (PEHRS).

In this crash-course session, Bernstein will help attendees understand the concept of Big Data Analytics for HR as well as insights on how Big Data can be leveraged by HR within the broader spectrum of workforce metrics. Bernstein will also share his "Six Baby Steps to Implement Big Data for HR." Immediately following the session each group will use real-life talent management questions and determine how Big Data could provide predictive analytics for businesses to make informed decisions. A networking reception will end the day.

Bernstein has a long history of creating innovative HR strategies for Fortune 100 companies. He speaks and writes internationally on the intersection of Big Data and HR.

More information on the PEHRS workshop is available at https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07e8ekfgjcae366e1a&oseq=&c=&ch=.

About eQuest

eQuest is the world's dominant and most-utilized job posting distribution company. Its primary customer base consists of the majority of the Global Fortune 500. It also provides job deliveries on behalf of the world's largest Applicant Tracking Systems, ERPs, and job boards -- managing thousands of companies through these channels. Present job posting deliveries average 250 million annually. Its Big Data for HR division consults companies wanting to take advantage of its corporate intelligence and predictive analysis services. Other products include consulting, OFCCP compliance and audit protection, technology services, data analytics, interactive media representation, and various predictive tools. www.equest.com

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