Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Celebrating Hospice Palliative Care

Special Announcement of National Survey Results with Saint Elizabeth Health Care

OTTAWA, Oct. 29, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

The 2013 Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference
"Integrating Hospice Palliative Care into Health Care: Moving Forward"

Ottawa Westin Hotel, 11 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario

October 31 – November 3, 2013

The Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association will bring together over 500 hospice palliative care clinicians, researchers, educators and volunteers from across Canada and around the world to share their knowledge, ideas and experiences in hospice palliative care. The Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference features over 150 Canadian and international experts presenting on the latest developments in hospice palliative care research, clinical practice, programs, education and international issues.

Select conference highlights include:

Press Conference: Announcement from the CHPCA and Saint Elizabeth Health Care
When: Thursday, October 31 at 10:15am
Saint Elizabeth Health Care will release the results of a national survey conducted by Environics Research on Canadians' knowledge and preferences regarding end of life care. CHPCA Executive Director Sharon Baxter and Shirlee Sharkey, President and CEO of Saint Elizabeth will be available for comment.

Opening Ceremonies and CHPCA Awards Presentation
When: Thursday October 31 at 1:00pm
Please join us as we honor the recipients of the 2013 Balfour Mount Champion Award, CHPCA Award of Excellence, Pediatric Award of Excellence, and CHPCA Media Award. Please note that the Media Award will be presented on Friday November 1 at 8:30am.

Celebration of Life - Lives Remembered
When: Friday, November 1 at 6:00pm
Throughout our lifetime both personally and professionally we all have experienced the loss of those whose lives have been eternally linked with ours in some way. Those of us who practice hospice palliative care have been duly privileged to care for and support many who are currently in the process of or who have concluded life's final journey. Join us as we complete a short walk from the Westin Hotel departing at 6:00pm to Parliament Hill. We will honor and celebrate the many remarkable lives of those we wish to remember with a special reminiscent ceremony shared together through music, words, and symbols.

View the full conference agenda at

The Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (CHPCA) is the national association which provides leadership in hospice palliative care in Canada. CHPCA offers leadership in the pursuit of excellence in care for persons approaching death so that the burdens of suffering, loneliness and grief are lessened.

The 2013 Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference would not be possible without the assistance of its sponsors, including: Bayshore HealthCare, Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, Purdue Pharma, We Care Home Health Services.


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Company ProfileCanadian Hospice Palliative Care Association