Ingen Chairman Conference With Shareholders Regarding Company Progress

Board of Directors Approve Move to the OTCQB

RIVERSIDE, Calif., Dec. 5, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ingen Technologies Inc. (OTC:IGNT), ( the holding company of two subsidiaries; a medical device manufacturing company selling its patented medical products worldwide, and a newly acquired growing telecom business providing services to major telecom companies worldwide, announces today that pursuant to a special meeting held by the Board of Directors on December 1st, 2013, the Board had majority vote to move all of the assets and liabilities, including shareholder equity and all of its note holders to a OTCQB listing.

"We are inviting all of our shareholders and other investors to a scheduled telephone conference session on December 16th, 2013 at 10am pacific standard time. It has been a very good year for Ingen, and members of our Board of Directors, including myself, would like to hold a conference to discuss events from our last Board Meeting," Stated Gary Tilden, Chairman. Mr. Tilden further stated, "Ingen has assets in both of its subsidiaries, and moving to a fully reporting QB company that is DTCC and DWAC eligible will allow greater liquidity to our shareholders, and better funding opportunities to expand our subsidiaries."

The company will provide a full report on its assets and discuss a new dividend program for its shareholders. In order to participate in the telephone conference please email your request to and he will provide the call-in instructions for the conference.

Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements: This news release includes forward-looking statements. While these statements are made to convey to the public the company's progress, business opportunities and growth prospects, readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements represent management's opinion. Whereas management believes such representations to be true and accurate based on information and data available to the company at this time, actual results may differ materially from those described. The company's operations and business prospects are always subject to risk and uncertainties. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ are and will be set forth in the company's periodic filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


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