Thorlo offering free pair of socks to everyone in the United States

To mark National Foot Health Awareness Month in April

STATESVILLE, N.C., March 31, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Now here's an offer that should bring a smile to your feet.

Family-owned THOR•LO Inc. is marking National Foot Health Awareness Month in April by offering a free pair of its American-made Thorlos® padded socks to everyone in the United States.

"The magic is on the inside of Thorlos," said owner Jim Throneburg, inventor of Thorlos. "When you turn a pair inside out, you notice how dense and resilient the padding is. But seeing is one thing; wearing is believing."

Hence, the free offer, which represents a retail value of $14.99 per pair. To take advantage of this offer, visit

The padding in activity-specific Thorlos has been clinically shown to reduce blisters, pain, pressures and moisture while providing protection and comfort under the ball of the foot, the heel and the toes. The company's proprietary THORLON® acrylic yarn wicks away moisture, ensuring a healthy environment for the foot.

Throneburg noted that by age 50, many people have lost half of the fat pads that protect the bones and soft tissues in their feet.

"We make padded socks, but what we really provide is foot protection," he said. "There are millions of people around the world who won't wear anything but Thorlos."

With the trial offer, Thorlos is hoping to add to its list of devotees.


Family-owned THOR•LO Inc. manufactures its socks in Statesville, N.C., and operates a distribution center in Rockwell, N.C. THOR•LO is the originator of activity-specific padded socks, and the Thorlos brand provides consumers with foot protection and comfort. Scientific, peer-reviewed research stands behind the Thorlos promise: "Your Feet Will Feel Better." For more information about Thorlos visit


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