Parenting From Prison a Father's Day Event

"Get On The Bus" Program Keeps Kids Connected to Incarcerated Dads

SAN QUENTIN, CA and SOLEDAD, CA--(Marketwired - Jun 3, 2014) - On June 6th and June 14th, Get On The Bus, a local program that connects children with their parents serving time in prison, will bus over 330 children to San Quentin State Prison, Salinas Valley State Prison and the Correctional Training Facility to visit with their dads. Now in its 15th year, Get On The Bus provides transportation, lunch, and trained volunteers to accompany the children, plus a breakfast reception or a dinner reception provided by local community members who will be there to welcome them. In an effort to enhance public awareness of this unique program, the media is invited to cover these events between 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. inside the prisons.

"Every child yearns to feel loved and connected to his or her parents. But children with parents in prison have a tough time keeping that connection," says Sr. Suzanne Jabro, Founder and Executive Director of the program.

Suzanne explained, "Get On The Bus offers these children the priceless chance for a father's hug, a family photo, a private conversation." Post-event counseling and a dinner for the return trip home are also provided. For many of these children, this will be the first time they've seen their fathers in many months. Said one 11-year-old after last year's event: "I had not seen my Dad since I was very small. I thought we'd never be together again. Now I know that I can see him and that he loves me." Press credentials are required for entry to either prison.

For San Quentin State Prison (June 6th), please contact: Sam Robinson, (415) 342-1826,
For CTF Soledad (June 14th), please contact: Roland Ramon, (831) 678-5952, 
For SVSP Soledad (June 14th), please contact: Darren Chamberlain, (831) 678-5554,

Get On The Bus is a statewide program established to unite children with their incarcerated mothers and fathers around Mother's Day and Father's Day. In 2013, Get On The Bus brought 535 families together at 12 prisons in California. For more information, please visit

Contact Information:

Hilary Carson
Phone: 805-320-7065

Company ProfileGet On The Bus