Interim Report January-June 2014

Stable sales and earnings trend despite challenges in the market

  · Net sales amounted to SEK 223 million (220).
  · The gross margin was 46.6% (47.3).
  · Operating profit amounted to SEK 12 million (13).
  · Profit for the period amounted to SEK 8 million (9).
  · Earnings per share before and after dilution totalled SEK 0.35 (0.40).
  · Cash flow from continuing operations amounted to SEK 11 million (0).


  · Net sales amounted to SEK 464 million (462).
  · The gross margin was 45.7% (46.3).
  · Operating profit amounted to SEK 28 million (29).
  · Profit for the period was SEK 20 million (22).
  · Earnings per share before and after dilution totalled SEK 0.88 (0.97).
  · Cash flow from continuing operations amounted to SEK 18 million (34).

Midsona’s sales and operating profit were consistent with the previous year,
both in the second and first quarters. Several improvement measures were carried
out in the second quarter as part of Midsona’s stated growth ambitions. The
measures are expected to gradually produce results during the second half of the
year. The second quarter was negatively affected by costs totalling
approximately SEK 3 million, which are mainly attributable to these measures.

The main negative impact on the Group was caused by the strengthening of the EUR
against the SEK, as the majority of the Group’s purchases in EUR are made in the
Swedish operations. Price increases were announced in the spring, aimed at
restoring the gross margin in the Swedish operations. These price increases will
achieve full impact from the beginning of the second half of the year, but since
the EUR has continued to strengthen against the SEK, further price increases may
need to be implemented. Furthermore, staff reductions were made, resulting in
the loss of seven positions in Sweden. All costs connected to this were posted
during the second quarter.

In the second quarter, earnings improved in the Norwegian and Finnish business
areas. Both markets displayed growth in prioritised brands and good cost
control. From a Group perspective, the currency effect was neutral in Norway and
positive in Finland.

On the whole, the Group’s prioritised brands performed well during the first six
months of the year. Friggs, our largest brand, showed double-digit growth.
Dalblads continued to grow in the strategically important sports nutrition
segment. New products under the Miwana brand, which was launched at the
beginning of the year, were well received by consumers. Tri Tolonen, our
flagship in nutritional supplements in Finland, showed growth as a result of
successful launches and marketing campaigns. MyggA saw double-digit sales
growth, primarily fuelled by the launch of sister product FästinG. Most of the
Group’s licensed brands, for which we have sales rights for all or parts of the
Nordic region, displayed growth. However, we continued to face challenges with
Naturdiet in the weight control segment, which saw weak performance during the
year, despite having increased our market share within the segment.

We are continuing to build on our core operations in 2014. The ambition is to
generate growth for our prioritised brands, to assume responsibility for
selected licensed brands and, hopefully, to be able to implement one or more
acquisitions. We will also focus particular attention on turning the negative
trend around in Sweden. This will enable us to approach our new financial
targets and to realise our vision of becoming the leader in health and well
-being in the Nordic region.

Peter Åsberg, President and CEO

For further information:
MD and CEO Peter Åsberg, +46 (0)730 26 16 32

This is information of the type that Midsona AB is obligated to disclose in
accordance with the Swedish Securities Exchange and Clearing Operations Act
and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was published on18
July, 2014, 8

About Midsona
Midsona holds a strong position in the Nordic market with own strong brands
within diet and health, sports nutrition, cold remedies, superfood and hygiene.
Midsona also sells a number of licensed internationally established brands. Our
products are sold through grocery and convenience stores, pharmacies, health
stores and internet. Midsona’s priority trademarks are: DALBLADS, FRIGGS,
of about MSEK 916. The Midsona share (MSON) is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm,
Small Cap. For further information:

