"Highlights of the second quarter include continued growth in order intake and net sales, positive progress in Denmark and a significant framework agreement with ABB Sweden regarding delivery of engineering consultants. Profit continues to improve and is now in line with last year’s figure, despite far-reaching initiatives aimed at winning new, large customer assignments." Abstract from President and CEO Zoran Covic's commentary to the interim report. Second quarter 2014 compared with 2013 • Net sales increased by 27% to SEK 1,179.3 million (931.8). • Operating profit increased by 1% to SEK 12.6 million (12.5). • Order intake was SEK 1,592 million (1,226), up 30%. • Profit after tax per share was SEK 0.57 (0.55), the same amount before and after dilution. • The market continued to recover and eWork’s demand indicators were positive. • eWork signed a significant collaboration agreement with ABB Sweden regarding engineering consultants, which is expected to increase the Group’s net sales by 10-15% in 2015. First half-year 2014 compared with 2013 • Net sales increased by 21% to SEK 2,283.0 million (1,886.0). • Operating profit decreased by 5% to SEK 26.0 million (27.3). • The sales mix included a higher share of outsourcing and takeover contracts which, alongside business development costs for the start-up of new MSP contracts, explains the lower operating margin. • eWork judges that it won market share on a slightly growing market. For further information, please contact: Zoran Covic, President and CEO, 46 (0) 706 65 65 17, zoran.covic@ework.se Magnus Eriksson, CFO, 46 (0) 8 50 60 55 00, 46 (0) 733 82 84 80, magnus.eriksson@ework.se eWork Scandinavia AB (publ) is a complete consultant supplier with over 4,000 consultants on assignment within the fields of IT, telecoms, technology, and business development. eWork offers an objective selection of specialists from the largest consultant network on the market with over 65,000 consultants, offering clients better pricing, quality and time efficiency. eWork has framework agreements with more than 140 clients among the Nordic region’s leading companies active in most sectors. The Company’s share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.
eWork Scandinavia AB (publ) publishes interim report for the period January - June, 2014
| Source: eWork Group AB