Beijer Electronics invests 175 million SEK in Industrial Data Communication

The Board of Directors in Beijer Electronics has decided to make a major
investment within the business area Industrial Data Communication, IDC.
Over the last few years, Westermo has achieved major success with its robust
solutions for Industrial Data Communication. Westermo products have become
synonymous with high quality and performance, and Westermo is thus in a strong
market position. The Board of Directors therefore wants to expand the business,
with the target of growing the turnover from 370 million SEK to nearly 650
million SEK in 2017. The growth is expected to result in an increased
profitability compared to present day 14% in EBIT.

The total addressable market is estimated to 10 billion SEK, and is expected to
grow by more than 10% per year. Main market competitors are companies such as
Hirschmann and RuggedCom.

The additional investment will expand Westermo’s product offer within the areas
Mission Critical Edge Networks and Westermo IP Train, thereby strengthening
Westermo’s position in demanding segments such as Rail, Oil & Gas, Mining, Power
Distribution and Utilities. The investment plan also includes a substantial
reinforcement of the sales organization.

Over the coming three years, Westermo will invest 175 million SEK, most of this
self-generated through Westermo’s profitable business. During this time period,
headcount is expected to increase with approximately 50 people, both within R&D
and the sales organization.

”This investment will further strengthen our position as a leading player within
our selected segments,” says Anders Ilstam, Chairman of the Board.

The Board of Directors also wishes to announce that the present CEO, Fredrik
Jönsson, will leave the company after several successful years within the Group.
As of September 15, 2014, Anna Belfrage will be acting CEO. The Board wishes to
take this opportunity to thank Fredrik Jönsson for his diligent efforts through
the years.
For further information, please contact:

Chairman of the Board, Anders Ilstam, mobile +46 (0)706 30 76 02
Acting CEO, Anna Belfrage, mobile +46 (0)706 35 86 53
Beijer Electronics is a fast growing technology company with extensive
experience of industrial automation and data communication. The company develops
and markets competitive products and solutions that focus on the user. Since its
start-up in 1981, Beijer Electronics has evolved into a multinational group
present in 22 countries and sales of 1,376 MSEK 2013. The company is listed on
the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Stockholm Small Cap list under the ticker BELE.

