Beijer Electronics implements a number of actions aimed at improving profitability within business area IAS

In respect of the information which appeared in the media, Beijer Electronics
announces the following:

Business area IAS has struggled with unsatisfactory profitability for a long
time. To address the problem, a process has been initiated to identify measures
that are designed to restore profitability over the coming three years. The
initial efforts aim at lifting the earnings in the IAS division by 25 million
during 2015. The restructuring costs will primarily be taken in the fourth
quarter in 2014.

To achieve this improvement in profitability, the business area will narrow its
focus both in terms of geography and offer to the market. Some minor parts of
the business will therefore be closed while efficiency measures are introduced

Overall, expected around 40 full time positions are affected, of which ten in
For more information, please contact:
Acting President and CEO, Anna Belfrage, tel +46 (0)40 35 86 53, mobile +46
(0)706 35 86 53
Beijer Electronics is a fast growing technology company with extensive
experience of industrial automation and data communication. The company develops
and markets competitive products and solutions that focus on the user. Since its
start-up in 1981, Beijer Electronics has evolved into a multinational group
present in 22 countries and sales of 1,376 MSEK 2013. The company is listed on
the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Stockholm Small Cap list under the ticker BELE.

