Hyundai extends Asian CGI leadership with sixth series production launch

  * 12.7 litre CGI cylinder head begins series production
  * Six SinterCast-CGI components in series production, ranging from 3.0 to
    12.7 litres
  * SinterCast-CGI production at the Hyundai Jeonju and Daedong foundries, Korea

 For pictures, please see Press Release PDF

 3.0 litre S-Engine         5.9 litre G-Engine        12.7 litre L-Engine
 cylinder block             cylinder block            cylinder head

[Stockholm, 16 December 2014] - Hyundai Motor Company, the world's fifth largest
automobile  manufacturer, has begun series  production of a 12.7 litre Compacted
Graphite   Iron   (CGI)   cylinder   head  for  heavy  duty  commercial  vehicle
applications.   Following the launch of Hyundai's  first CGI engine programme in
2006 - the 3.0 litre V6 S-engine used in Hyundai and Kia luxury SUV applications
in  the domestic Korean  market - the  12.7 litre L-engine cylinder head becomes
Hyundai's  sixth CGI product in series  production, extending its CGI leadership
position  in  Asia  and  making  it  the  second  largest user of CGI components

In addition to the 3.0 litre S-engine cylinder block and the 12.7 litre L-engine
cylinder  head, Hyundai has  also used CGI  for the 3.9 litre  F-engine and 5.9
litre  G-engine  commercial  vehicle  cylinder  blocks  since 2007, and for high
performance  cylinder heads of the 5.9 litre  G-engine and all cylinder heads of
the  10.0 litre  H-engine  since  2011.  All  of  Hyundai's  CGI  components are
produced  at the Hyundai Jeonju foundry and  the Daedong foundry in Korea, using
the SinterCast process control technology.

"Hyundai  was the first  OEM in Asia  to adopt CGI  and has since become a world
leader  for CGI performance upgrades.  The 5.9, 10.0 and 12.7 litre CGI cylinder
heads  have all been introduced as upgrades of existing grey cast iron heads, to
ensure  durability as  the power  and torque  were increased.   The CGI cylinder
heads are produced using the existing grey iron foundry tooling and are machined
on  the same lines as the grey iron heads" said Dr Steve Dawson, President & CEO
of SinterCast.  "The direct substitution of conventional grey cast iron with CGI
provides  an ongoing  growth opportunity,  as engines  are upgraded  to maintain
market competitiveness and to satisfy future emissions legislation."

For more information:

 Dr Steve Dawson

 President & CEO

 Tel:    +46 8 660 7750


SinterCast is the world's leading supplier of process control technology for the
reliable  high volume production of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI). With at least
75% higher  tensile strength, 45% higher stiffness  and approximately double the
fatigue strength of conventional grey cast iron and aluminium, CGI allows engine
designers  to improve  performance, fuel  economy and  durability while reducing
engine size, weight, noise and emissions. With 39 installations in 12 countries,
the  SinterCast technology  is primarily  used for  the production of petrol and
diesel  engine cylinder  blocks and  exhaust components  for passenger vehicles;
medium-duty  and heavy-duty cylinder  blocks and heads  for commercial vehicles;
and,   industrial  power  engine  components  for  marine,  rail,  off-road  and
stationary  engine applications. SinterCast's series production components range
from  2 kg to 9 tonnes,  all using the  same proven process control technology.
The  SinterCast share is quoted on the Small Cap segment of the Stockholm NASDAQ
OMX   stock   exchange   (Stockholmsbörsen:   SINT).   For   more   information:



Press Release PDF.pdf