Dear Customers!
As of 15 January 2015, changes in the following documents become effective:
- “ABLV Global Stock Index Fund Prospectus”,
- “Basic Information for Investors on ABLV Global USD Stock Index Fund Subfund”,
- “Basic Information for Investors on ABLV US Industry USD Equity Fund”.
Major changes:
- The fund manager has been changed for the ABLV Global Stock Index Fund,
- The synthetic indicator has been changed for the ABLV Global USD Stock Index Fund Subfund and ABLV US Industry USD Equity Fund.
You can obtain more information about funds managed by ABLV Asset Management, IPAS on http://www.ablv.com/en/services/investments/investments/mutual-funds or from specialists of ABLV Asset Management, IPAS tel. +371 6700 2777.
Yours faithfully,
ABLV Asset Management, IPAS