Wallenstam AB (publ) Year-end report 2014:Income from management operations increased with 25%

MD Hans Wallenstam and CFO Susann Linde, in charge of IR, comment on the interim
report at www.wallenstam.se/presentationer.

1 January–31 December 2014

• Income from management operations amounted to SEK 592 million (473), an
increase of 25 per cent.
• Properties were sold for SEK 2,349 million (1,986) resulting in realized
changes in value of SEK 283 million (122).
• Unrealized changes in the value of investment properties amounted to SEK 829
million (605) and for derivative instruments to SEK -854 million (328).
• Profit after tax amounted to SEK 585 million (1,276) and earnings per share
were SEK 3.5 (7.5).
• Rental income for 2014 amounted to SEK 1,566 million (1,578).
• Investments in properties amounted to SEK 1,941 million (2,589).
• The growth in net asset value, excluding dividends and repurchases, on a
rolling one-year basis was 3.0 per cent.
• We had just over 1,600 apartments under construction on closing day.
• The Board proposes a dividend of SEK 2.25 per share (2.0) equivalent to an
increase of 13 per cent, and a 2:1 share split.

1 October–31 December 2014

• Income from management operations amounted to SEK 129 million (116).
• Unrealized changes in the value of investment properties amounted to SEK 331
million (404) and for derivative instruments to SEK -259 million (-9).
• Profit after tax amounted to SEK 398 million (363) and earnings per share was
SEK 2.4 (1.8).
• Rental income for the fourth quarter of 2014 amounted to SEK 380 million

Comparisons in brackets refer to the corresponding period for the previous year
unless otherwise specified.

Comment from Hans Wallenstam, Managing Director

“Operations are proceeding well, the surplus ratio is increasing, and the 25 per
cent improvement in income from management operations is tremendously positive.
This was in spite of property sales, which have a negative effect on income from
management operations in the short term.”

“I’m extremely pleased with our new construction of homes. We’re increasing the
rate as planned and we currently have just over 1,600 apartments under
construction. Our substantial and exciting project portfolio allows us to
maintain an investment level of SEK 2–3 billion per year aimed at providing the
market a product in great demand and creating value growth through our own

“It’s gratifying that the Board proposes raising the dividend to SEK 2.25 per
share. This is 80 per cent higher than the 2014 ordinary dividend of SEK 1.25
per share, which was supplemented by an SEK 0.75 one-time bonus per share for
achieving the business plan. It reflects our faith in Wallenstam’s future.”

For the complete report, please refer to the attached PDF.

Wallenstam is required to make the information in this report public under the
provisions of the Swedish Financial Markets Act and the Swedish Financial
Instruments Trading Act. The information was made publicly available on February
18, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. (CET).
For further information:
Susann Linde, CFO, in charge of IR Wallenstam AB (publ) tel. +46 31 20 00 00 or
+46 705-17 11 34
Elisabeth Vansvik, Communications director Wallenstam AB (publ) tel. +46 31 20
00 00 or +46 705-17 11 38


Pressrelease Wallenstam year-end report 2014.pdf 02184760.pdf