Interim Report (January – December 2014)

Strong year with organic and acquisition driven growth in revenues and earnings
January – December 2014

Sales amounted to SEK 1,457.6 million (1,047.5), a sales growth of 39.2 percent

Operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) amounted to SEK 246.3 million
(141.9), corresponding to an EBITDA margin of 16.8 percent (13.5)

EBITDA includes non-recurring costs related to the close down of the British
Columbia program of SEK 6,6 million

Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 158,5 million (114.5)

Profit after tax amounted to SEK 142.1 million (61.3)

Earnings per share after dilution amounted to SEK 0.55 (0.23)

The Board proposes a dividend of SEK 0.09 (0.06) per share

October – December 2014

Sales amounted to SEK 394.5 million (309.3), a sales growth of 27.6 percent

Operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) amounted to SEK 49.4 million
(27.7), corresponding to an EBITDA margin of 12.3 percent (9.0)

EBITDA includes non-recurring costs related to the close down of the British
Columbia program of SEK 6,6 million

Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 59.8 million (7.3)

Profit after tax amounted to SEK 31.0 million (9.5)

Earnings per share after dilution amounted to SEK 0.12 (0.04)
Mölndal February 19, 2015
Opus Group AB (publ)
For additional information, please contact
Magnus Greko
President and CEO
Phone: 46 31 748 34 00
Peter Stenström
Investor Relations
Phone: 46 765 25 84 93
About Opus Group

Opus Group is a leading company in vehicle inspection technology and vehicle
inspection program operations. The Group has two main business areas which
consist of vehicle inspection and equipment. Opus Group is one of the market
leaders in vehicle inspection operations in the US and Sweden. Opus Bilprovning
has 73 vehicle inspection stations in Sweden. Opus Inspection operates vehicle
inspection programs in the U.S., Bermuda, Chile, Peru and Pakistan and is active
in sales and service of emission control equipment in North America and Mexico.
Through the subsidiaries, Opus Equipment and J&B Maskinteknik, Opus Group
conduct production, sales and service of vehicle inspection equipment for
vehicle inspection companies and vehicle workshops. Opus Group’s revenues
amounted to approx. SEK 1,458 million in 2014. Opus Group’s shares are listed on
Nasdaq OMX Stockholm.

FFFS 2007:17 (10 kap 11§) (SFSA rules) - The information in this press release
is published in accordance with the rules in the law (2007:528) under the
Securities Market Act (2007:528).

