The Nomination Committee’s proposal for board of TradeDoubler AB (publ)

The Nomination Committee has completed the work in preparation for the Annual
General Meeting 2015.
The Committee proposes that Peter Åström is elected as a new member of
Tradedoubler’s board and that, Martin Ahrend, Thomas Bill, Martin Henricson,
Peter Larsson and Mernosh Saatchi are re-elected. Peter Larsson is proposed to
be re-elected as chairman of the board, which according to the proposal will
consist of six ordinary members and no deputies.

Peter Åström is the MD and founder of EBC Executive Board Consulting AB. Peter
holds an MBA and has previously been the MD for Entraction Holding AB, a company
in the digital gaming industry, and he has also been the MD for several
companies including within the Schibsted and Brio group of companies
respectively. Peter is the chairman of the board of Betting Promotion Sweden AB
and a member of the board of Nordic Leisure AB, both companies listed on First
North, as well as a member of the board of Sportway AB.

The proposal fulfils the requirements regarding diversity and breadth of
qualifications, experience and background of the board members.
The Nomination Committee has consisted of Thomas Bill, appointed by Monterro 1A
AB (Chairman), Henrik Kvick, appointed by Henrik Kvick AB, Jannis Kitsakis,
appointed by Fjärde AP-fonden Strandberg, and Peter Larsson, Chairman of the

The full proposal from the Nomination Committee will be presented at the
company’s website in connection with the publication of the notice for the
annual general meeting.

The Annual General meeting will be held Tuesday, May 5, 2015 in Stockholm.

Stockholm 23 February, 2015
TradeDoubler AB (publ.)

The information in this announcement is required to be disclosed by TradeDoubler
AB under the Swedish Securities Markets Act (Sw. lagen om
värdepappersmarknaden). This information was released for publication at 15.00
CET on February 23, 2015.
For further information, please contact:
Thomas Bill, Chairman of the Nomination Committee
Phone: +46 8 40 50 700
About Tradedoubler
Tradedoubler is an international leader in performance-based digital marketing
and technology. Founded in Sweden in 1999, Tradedoubler pioneered affiliate
marketing in Europe and remains one of the most successful pan-European
performance marketing company, combining strategic international insight with
detailed in-country expertise. It helps 2,000 advertisers achieve their business
goals through its high quality network of 140,000 publishers and was the first
to offer an integrated e- and m-commerce offering to help advertisers extend
their online programmes to users on mobile devices.

Tradedoubler is committed to close collaboration with each customer, helping
them to generate revenue and succeed on a national and international scale.
Among Tradedoubler’s advertisers are American Express, ClubMed, Disney, Expedia
and CDON. The share is listed on Nasdaq OMX on the Stockholm Exchange. More
information can be found on

