Ahlstrom's Annual Report 2014 published

Ahlstrom Corporation STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE February 27, 2014 at 11.15

Ahlstrom's Annual Report 2014 published

Ahlstrom's annual report 2014 has been published today on the company's website.

The company's annual reporting 2014 contains two separate parts: Ahlstrom
Yearbook 2014 and Ahlstrom Financials 2014. Both documents are available in PDF
form on the website www.ahlstrom.com and can also be ordered as printed
versions. The PDF documents are also attached to this release.

Ahlstrom Yearbook 2014 provides an overview of Ahlstrom's financial, social and
environmental performance in an integrated approach. Based on our own
assessment, the reporting complies with the Global Reporting Initiative's (GRI)
G4 guidelines at core level.

Ahlstrom Financials 2014 includes audited consolidated financial statements, the
report of operations as well as the corporate governance statement.

The Remuneration Statement 2014 has also been published today as a separate
document. The document is available in PDF form on the company's website at

For more information, please contact:
Juho Erkheikki
Manager, Financial Communications & Investor Relations
Tel. +358 10 888 4731

Liisa Nyyssönen
VP, Communications
Tel. +358 10 888 4757

Ahlstrom in brief
Ahlstrom is a high performance fiber-based materials company, partnering with
leading businesses around the world to help them stay ahead. We aim to grow with
a product offering for clean and healthy environment. Our materials are used in
everyday applications such as filters, medical fabrics, life science and
diagnostics, wallcoverings and food packaging. In 2014, Ahlstrom's net sales
amounted to EUR 1 billion. Our 3,400 employees serve customers in 22 countries.
Ahlstrom's share is quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. More information
available at www.ahlstrom.com.



Ahlstrom Financials 2014.pdf Ahlstrom Yearbook 2014.pdf