Ahlstrom publishes restated segment information for 2014 based on new business area structure

Ahlstrom Corporation STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE March 16, 2015 at 9.35

Ahlstrom publishes restated segment information for 2014 based on new business
area structure

Ahlstrom, a high performance fiber-based materials company, simplified its
organizational structure as of January 1, 2015. Following the change, the
company's business areas are:

  * Filtration: The global leader in transportation filtration materials and a
    supplier of air and liquid filtration media, with a leading market position
    in life science, laboratory and gas turbine filtration materials.
  * Building and Energy: One of the leading players globally for materials used
    in wallcoverings, floorings, windmill blades and specialty nonwovens.
  * Food and Medical: One of the leading players globally for materials used in
    beverage and food packaging, masking tape and medical gowns and drapes.

The aim of the change is to enable faster decision-making and execution as well
as stronger accountability within business areas.

The former Advanced Filtration and Transportation Filtration business areas were
combined into one Filtration business area. The former Food and Medical business
areas were combined into one Food and Medical business area. In addition, the
Trading and New Business segment has been incorporated into the Building and
Energy business area.

Ahlstrom's financial reporting will be aligned with this change starting from
the January-March 2015 interim report, to be published on April 28, 2015. The
restated segment figures for 2014 are presented in the tables below and in the
attached file. Group figures remain unchanged. Restatements for earlier periods
have not been made.

 SEGMENT INFORMATION                                      Q1 Q1-Q2 Q1-Q3  Q1-Q4

 EUR million                                            2014  2014  2014   2014

 Building and Energy                                    76.9 150.7 220.2  288.2

 Filtration                                             96.9 199.7 302.1  402.8

 Food and Medical                                       77.5 155.7 237.6  320.9

 Other operations                                       18.2  38.9  58.8   80.3

 Internal sales                                        -20.3 -42.7 -64.6  -91.1
 Total net sales                                       249.2 502.2 754.1 1001.1

 Building and Energy                                     0.7   1.3   2.2    2.6

 Filtration                                              2.4   4.6   6.8   12.6

 Food and Medical                                        6.1  12.4  18.1   24.7

 Other operations                                       11.1  24.5  37.4   51.3
 Total internal sales                                   20.3  42.7  64.6   91.1

 Building and Energy                                     0.4   2.4 -14.4  -22.0

 Filtration                                              8.7  20.1  32.4   40.9

 Food and Medical                                        0.4  -0.2  -1.6   -4.8

 Other operations                                       -5.1  -8.4 -15.8  -17.8

 Eliminations                                            0.1   0.1  -0.0    0.0
 Operating profit / loss                                 4.4  14.0   0.6   -3.7

 Building and Energy                                     0.2   2.0  -0.9   -8.3

 Filtration                                              8.7  20.1  32.4   41.2

 Food and Medical                                        0.5   2.2   6.0    6.4

 Other operations                                       -2.2  -3.7  -7.1  -10.8

 Eliminations                                            0.1   0.1  -0.0    0.0
 Operating profit / loss excluding non-recurring items   7.2  20.6  30.4   28.6

 Return on capital employed (RONA), %

 Building and Energy                                     1.2   3.8 -16.3  -19.8

 Filtration                                             17.9  20.7  21.6   20.8

 Food and Medical                                        1.0  -0.2  -1.3   -3.0

 Group (ROCE), %                                         3.4   4.4   0.2   -0.5

 Building and Energy                                   127.5 133.2 119.1  105.2

 Filtration                                            196.1 198.1 209.4  202.2

 Food and Medical                                      161.3 164.2 168.2  162.6

 Other operations                                      -27.4 -20.0 -24.4  -30.3

 Eliminations                                           -0.1  -0.1  -0.2   -0.1
 Total net assets, at the end of the reporting period  457.3 475.4 472.0  439.5

 Building and Energy                                     4.7  10.1  13.7   18.5

 Filtration                                              2.5   6.2  11.1   17.6

 Food and Medical                                        0.5   1.2   2.3    6.3

 Other operations                                        1.3   1.8   2.1    3.1
 Total capital expenditure                               9.0  19.3  29.2   45.4

 Building and Energy                                    -2.6  -5.5 -11.5  -14.3

 Filtration                                             -4.2  -8.6 -13.2  -17.9

 Food and Medical                                       -4.3  -8.6 -18.4  -23.5

 Other operations                                       -0.6  -1.2  -2.6   -2.7
 Total depreciation and amortization                   -11.7 -23.9 -45.6  -58.4

 Building and Energy                                       -     - -11.6  -11.9

 Filtration                                                -     -     -    0.0

 Food and Medical                                          -     -     -    0.0

 Other operations                                          -     -     -    0.0
 Total impairment charges                                  -     - -11.6  -11.9

 Building and Energy                                     0.2   0.4 -13.4  -13.7

 Filtration                                                -     -     -   -0.4

 Food and Medical                                       -0.1  -2.3  -7.6  -11.2

 Other operations                                       -2.9  -4.7  -8.8   -7.0
 Total non-recurring items                              -2.8  -6.6 -29.8  -32.3

 Building and Energy                                    38.9  76.4 111.6  146.0

 Filtration                                             29.8  61.3  91.7  120.4

 Food and Medical                                       27.8  56.1  84.4  112.6

 Other operations                                        1.9   3.7   5.5    7.5

 Eliminations                                           -2.8  -5.4  -8.1  -11.7
 Total sales tons, thousands of tons                    95.6 192.0 285.2  374.9

 Segment information is presented according to the IFRS standards.

 SEGMENT INFORMATION                                      Q1    Q2    Q3    Q4

 EUR million                                            2014  2014  2014  2014

 Building and Energy                                    76.9  73.8  69.5  68.0

 Filtration                                             96.9 102.8 102.4 100.7

 Food and Medical                                       77.5  78.1  82.0  83.3

 Other operations                                       18.2  20.7  19.9  21.5

 Internal sales                                        -20.3 -22.4 -21.8 -26.6
 Total net sales                                       249.2 253.0 252.0 247.0

 Building and Energy                                     0.7   0.6   1.0   0.3

 Filtration                                              2.4   2.2   2.2   5.8

 Food and Medical                                        6.1   6.2   5.7   6.6

 Other operations                                       11.1  13.3  13.0  13.8
 Total internal sales                                   20.3  22.4  21.8  26.6

 Building and Energy                                     0.4   2.0 -16.8  -7.6

 Filtration                                              8.7  11.5  12.3   8.5

 Food and Medical                                        0.4  -0.5  -1.4  -3.2

 Other operations                                       -5.1  -3.3  -7.4  -2.0

 Eliminations                                            0.1  -0.0  -0.1   0.1
 Operating profit / loss                                 4.4   9.6 -13.4  -4.3

 Building and Energy                                     0.2   1.8  -2.9  -7.3

 Filtration                                              8.7  11.5  12.3   8.9

 Food and Medical                                        0.5   1.7   3.9   0.4

 Other operations                                       -2.2  -1.5  -3.4  -3.7

 Eliminations                                            0.1  -0.0  -0.1   0.1
 Operating profit / loss excluding non-recurring items   7.2  13.4   9.7  -1.8

 Return on capital employed (RONA), %

 Building and Energy                                     1.2   6.3 -53.2 -27.2

 Filtration                                             17.9  23.2  24.1  16.5

 Food and Medical                                        1.0  -1.3  -3.4  -7.8

 Group (ROCE), %                                         3.4   5.4  -8.0  -2.6

 Building and Energy                                   127.5 133.2 119.1 105.2

 Filtration                                            196.1 198.1 209.4 202.2

 Food and Medical                                      161.3 164.2 168.2 162.6

 Other operations                                      -27.4 -20.0 -24.4 -30.3

 Eliminations                                           -0.1  -0.1  -0.2  -0.1
 Total net assets, at the end of the reporting period  457.3 475.4 472.0 439.5

 Building and Energy                                     4.7   5.4   3.6   4.8

 Filtration                                              2.5   3.7   4.9   6.5

 Food and Medical                                        0.5   0.8   1.0   4.0

 Other operations                                        1.3   0.5   0.3   1.1
 Total capital expenditure                               9.0  10.3   9.9  16.3

 Building and Energy                                    -2.6  -2.9  -6.0  -2.8

 Filtration                                             -4.2  -4.3  -4.6  -4.7

 Food and Medical                                       -4.3  -4.4  -9.7  -5.1

 Other operations                                       -0.6  -0.6  -1.4  -0.1
 Total depreciation and amortization                   -11.7 -12.2 -21.7 -12.8

 Building and Energy                                       -     - -11.6  -0.2

 Filtration                                                -     -     -   0.0

 Food and Medical                                          -     -     -   0.0

 Other operations                                          -     -     -   0.0
 Total impairment charges                                  -     - -11.6  -0.2

 Building and Energy                                     0.2   0.2 -13.9  -0.3

 Filtration                                                -     -     -  -0.4

 Food and Medical                                       -0.1  -2.2  -5.3  -3.6

 Other operations                                       -2.9  -1.8  -4.0   1.7
 Total non-recurring items                              -2.8  -3.8 -23.2  -2.5

 Building and Energy                                    38.9  37.5  35.3  34.4

 Filtration                                             29.8  31.5  30.4  28.7

 Food and Medical                                       27.8  28.3  28.3  28.2

 Other operations                                        1.9   1.8   1.8   1.9

 Eliminations                                           -2.8  -2.7  -2.7  -3.5
 Total sales tons, thousands of tons                    95.6  96.4  93.2  89.7

 Segment information is presented according to the IFRS standards.

For more information, please contact:
Liisa Nyyssönen
VP, Communications
Tel. +358 10 888 4757

Ahlstrom in brief
Ahlstrom is a high performance fiber-based materials company, partnering with
leading businesses around the world to help them stay ahead. We aim to grow with
a product offering for clean and healthy environment. Our materials are used in
everyday applications such as filters, medical fabrics, life science and
diagnostics, wallcoverings and food packaging. In 2014, Ahlstrom's net sales
amounted to EUR 1 billion. Our 3,400 employees serve customers in 22 countries.
Ahlstrom's share is quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. More information
available at www.ahlstrom.com.


