New proposal from Sandvik’s Nomination Committee – Johan Molin new Chairman

In view of the fact that Anders Nyrén has informed Sandvik’s Nomination
Committee that he is not available for re-election as Chairman of the Board of
Sandvik, the Nomination Committee has revised the proposal for Board of
Directors for the 2015 Annual General Meeting, which was previously

The Nomination Committee proposes the election of Jennifer Allerton, Claes
Boustedt and Johan Molin as new Board members and the re-election of the Board
members Olof Faxander, Jürgen M Geissinger, Johan Karlström, Hanne de Mora and
Lars Westerberg. Johan Molin is proposed to be elected Chairman of the Board.

Johan Molin, born 1959, holds a degree from the Stockholm School of Economics
and is President and CEO of ASSA ABLOY since 2005. He was President and CEO of
Nilfisk-Advance 2001–2005 and was employed within the Atlas Copco Group 1983

In other respects, the Nomination Committee’s proposals correspond to those set
out in the notice convening the Annual General Meeting.

“The Nomination Committee has chosen to propose that the general meeting resolve
to elect Johan Molin as new Chairman in view of his substantial industrial
experience. We have concluded that he is the right person to lead the Board work
at Sandvik”, says the Nomination Committee’s Chairman, Anders Nyberg.

Information can be obtained from the Nomination Committee’s Chairman, phone +46
8 666 64 00.

Stockholm, 30 April 2015

Sandvik AB

Sandvik discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities
Market Act. The information is submitted for publication on 30 April 2015 at
08:05 CET.
Sandvik Group
Sandvik is a high-tech and global engineering group offering advanced products
and services that enhance customer productivity, profitability and safety.  We
have world - leading positions in selected areas - tools for metal cutting,
equipment and tools for the mining and construction industries, stainless
materials, special alloys, metallic and ceramic resistance materials as well as
process systems. In 2014 the Group had about 47,000 employees and representation
in approximately 130 countries, with sales of about 89,000 million

