ADDvise Lab Solutions AB (publ) issues a further 17 MSEK in the existing bond loan 2014/2019

On June 4th the Board of Directors of ADDvise Lab Solutions AB decided
to issue bonds in the amount of 17 MSEK in the existing bond loan
2014/2019, which has a limit of 100 MSEK. Placement of the newly issued
bonds has been made to a few institutional and private investors. The
bonds have a maturity of 5 years and the repayment date is September
30th 2019. The bonds carry a fixed annual nominal interest rate of 10.0
%, which is paid quarterly.

The bonds are listed on the Nasdaq OMX list for corporate bonds. Trade
in the newly issued bonds is expected to begin in week 24 with the first
interest payment date being July 15th 2015.

The purpose of the issue was to enable further acquisitions in
accordance with ADDvise growth strategy and to refinance the company’s
convertible bond of a nominal value of 30 MSEK, which matured on May 2nd
2015. To enable the above, the Company has now issued bonds in the
amount of 83 MSEK of the total limit amount of 100 MSEK under existing
bond loan 2014/2019. No conversions took place under the convertible
bond and the Company has refinanced the convertible in its entirety as
of May 2nd 2015. Newly received proceeds of 17 MSEK before transaction
costs enable further expansion and diversification through acquisitions.


For further information, please contact:

Rikard Akhtarzand, CEO, +46 765-25 90 71

