The Disgusting Truth: Poop on Your Toothbrush Isn't All to Worry About

Prosthodontist Dr. Ann Wei: An Unbrushed Mouth Is as Clean as a Dirty Bathroom Floor?

CHICAGO, June 11, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- All over social media and in the news is a headline: Poop on your toothbrush. It's gross, it can be prevented, yet not only is the toothbrush a bacteria magnet, our mouths are also bacteria magnets.

San Francisco based Prosthodontist Dr. Ann Wei told "in an un-brushed mouth there can be as many germs as a dirty bathroom floor." The Huffington Post, New York Post and the Times of India republished the article and shared Dr. Wei's tips and expertise as an oral health specialist – a prosthodontist.

Prosthodontists caution that germs inside as well as outside your mouth make it is extremely important to practice healthy hygiene habits that are fast, fairly free and quite effective.

The American College of Prosthodontists (ACP) President Dr. Frank J. Tuminelli adds, "This is even true for patients with no teeth who wear dentures. Patients use a toothbrush to clean dentures. Thus, if your toothbrush is not cleaned properly, it could make your dentures a harbor for micro-organisms and could correlate to aspiration type diseases, such as pneumonia."

Thus, first and foremost, keep your toothbrush clean, and also brush and floss regularly 2x a day for at least 2 minutes, as recommended by the Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives ( of which the ACP participated in a coalition of the leading organizations in the field of oral health. ACP served as a proud sponsor of the Ad Council's first oral health campaign in its 70-year history.

Prosthodontists also recommend 5 ways to help keep your toothbrush clean and prevent germy buildup:

1. Replace your toothbrush or toothbrush head about every three to four months. It's a fast, cost-effective and effective way to eliminate germs - it doesn't allow for bacteria to keep building up on the same brush.

2. Do not share your toothbrush or toothpaste, as it is an easy way to transfer germs.

3. Clean your brush with hydrogen peroxide or an antibacterial mouthwash to lessen the buildup of germs on your toothbrush. While this will help, it cannot get rid of all bacteria.

4. It's easy to contaminate a denture in the same manner so patients without teeth also need to clean their denture brush.

5. Completely dry your toothbrush in between brushing sessions - otherwise a wet toothbrush gives mold a better environment to grow on the bristles.

6. Always close the lid on the toilet when flushing and keep your toothbrush far away from the toilet – ideally in a closed cabinet - to avoid the "poop on your toothbrush" issue that is trending in social news.

It is extremely important to keep your toothbrush clean and to remember to brush regularly. These tips will help win the battle against the germs on a toothbrush, advise prosthodontists to our patients for optimal oral health.

Prosthodontists are specialized dentists with advanced training in oral health issues, who are committed to improving patient outcomes. From implants, crowns, veneers and tooth whitening, to full-mouth reconstruction, prosthodontists specialize in digital dentistry and CAD/CAM solutions.

The ACP is the only prosthodontic specialty organization whose membership is based solely on education credentials. ACP members must be in or have completed an ADA-accredited advanced education program in prosthodontics.

About the ACP

The American College of Prosthodontists (ACP) is the official sponsoring organization for the specialty of Prosthodontics, which is one of the only nine recognized specialties of the American Dental Association. Founded in 1970, ACP is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to enhancing patient care, advancing the art and science of Prosthodontics, promoting the specialty of Prosthodontics to the public and other dentists and healthcare professionals, ensuring the quality of prosthodontic education and providing professional services to its membership. For more information visit

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Germs Inside and Outside of Mouth Exist-Prosthodontist Dr Victoria A Vickers Ima

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