Change of CEO in KappAhl AB (publ.)

The Board of Directors of KappAhl AB (publ) has on June 30, 2015 decided to
discharge from office the Chief Executive Officer Johan Åberg with immediate
effect and to appoint the Chief Financial Officer Anders Düring as acting Chief
Executive Officer. The recruitment process for a new Chief Executive Officer has
been initiated.
– Johan Åberg has put a successful effort into turning around KappAhl’s
performance during the last years. The Board of Directors now makes the
assessment that new leadership with more industry experience is required in
order to achieve the company’s long-term targets, says Anders Bülow, Chairman of
the Board of Directors.

Informationen är sådan som KappAhl AB (publ) ska offentliggöra enligt lagen om
värdepappersmarknaden och/eller lagen om handel med
finansiella instrument. Informationen lämnades för offentliggörande den 30 juni
2015 kl. 11:00.
For further information, please contact:
Anders Bülow, Chairman of the Board of Directors, phone +46 70 661 09 88
KappAhl was founded in 1953 and is a leading fashion chain in the Nordic region
with nearly 400 stores in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Poland together with Shop
Online. KappAhl offers good-value fashion of its own design to a wide range of
consumers – women, men and children – with a particular focus on women in the
mid-life age range. 24% of the range is sustainability labelled. In 2013/2014,
the turnover was SEK 4.7 billion and the number of employees approx. 4,000.
KappAhl is quoted on NASDAQ Stockholm. For more information, please visit

