Invitation to Capital Markets Day 2015

Nolato will be holding a Capital Markets Day in Stockholm on 28 August 2015.

The purpose of the Capital Markets Day is to show how Nolato has repositioned
itself from being a contract manufacturer to being an advanced high-tech partner
for customers in our three business areas.

Nolato will be represented by President and CEO Hans Porat, CFO Per-Ola
Holmström, President of Nolato Telecom Jörgen Karlsson, President of Nolato
Industrial Johan Arvidsson and President of Nolato Medical Christer Wahlquist.

Date: Friday 28 August 2015, Spårvagnshallarna, Birger Jarlsgatan 57A, Stockholm

Time: From 9.30 a.m. to around 12.00 noon, followed by a buffet lunch

Those wishing to attend must register by 21 August 2015.

For full details of the event and to register, please email Eija Lindberg at or call +46 (0)766 331872.

Nolato is a Swedish group operating in Europe, Asia and North America. We
develop and manufacture products made from polymer materials such as plastic,
silicone and TPE for leading customers in medical technology, pharmaceuticals,
telecoms, automotive, hygiene and other selected industrial sectors. Nolato
shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, where Nolato is a Mid Cap company in the
Industrials sector.

