East Capital Russia Domestic Growth Fund to be liquidated - East Capital Explorer's exposure to public equity thereby decreases further

East Capital has decided to liquidate East Capital Russia Domestic Growth Fund, in which East Capital Explorer is the largest shareholder. The value of East Capital Explorer's investment in the fund amounted to EUR 9.9m by 30 August. At least 90 percent of the liquidation proceeds are expected to be received before the end of October.

"The liquidation of East Capital Russia Domestic Growth Fund supports our communicated shift from public equity to private equity and real estate. We look forward to new investment opportunities in these focus areas, including growing our real estate portfolio through the planned initial investment in East Capital Baltic Property Fund III during the fall", said Mia Jurke, CEO of East Capital Explorer.

East Capital Russia Domestic Growth Fund's portfolio consisted of 27 listed Russian companies at the end of Q2 2015. Its largest holdings were Sberbank, E-ON Russia and Magnit. On 30 June 2015, East Capital Explorer's share of the Fund was 92 percent, and the Fund represented 5.1 percent of the Company's NAV. East Capital Explorer has redeemed a total of EUR 11m in the Fund between January and August 2015, of which EUR 2m in July and August. Since East Capital Explorer's initial investment in the Fund in September 2012, the annualized Fund return (per 31 August 2015) is -22.5 percent.

Contact information

Mia Jurke, CEO, East Capital Explorer, +46 8 505 885 32
Lena Krauss, CFO and Head of Investor Relations, East Capital Explorer, +46 73 988 44 66

About East Capital Explorer

East Capital Explorer AB (publ) is a Swedish investment company, created with the specific aim of bringing unique investment opportunities in Eastern Europe to a broader investor base. The company makes direct investments into private and public companies as well as real estate, but investments are also made through East Capital's alternative investment funds. East Capital Explorer's main investment theme is domestic growth and the Company targets fast growing sectors such as Retail and Consumer goods, Financials and Real Estate. East Capital Explorer has appointed East Capital to manage its investment activities. East Capital Explorer is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Mid Cap.

Listing: Nasdaq Stockholm, Mid Cap - Ticker: ECEX - ISIN: SE0002158568 -
Reuters: ECEX.ST - Bloomberg: ECEX SS Equity

This information is disclosed in accordance with the Securities Markets Act, the Financial Instruments Trading Act and demands made in the exchange rules. It was released for publication at 3:00 p.m. CET on 28 September 2015.



150928 - Press Release.pdf