The nomination committee of Viking Supply Ships AB is appointed.

Press release
As decided by the annual general meeting on 9th April 2015, the nomination
committee of Viking Supply Ships AB shall comprise four members. The four
members shall represent the three largest shareholders/shareholder groups of the
votes in the company as per 30th September 2015 as well as the Chairman of the

The nomination committee appointed for the annual general meeting 2016 comprise:
Christen Sveaas in his position as Chairman of the Board (also represents
Kistefos AS/Viking Invest AS), Bengt A. Rem representing Kistefos AS/Viking
Invest AS, Lena Patriksson Keller representing Enneff Rederi AB/Enneff
Fastigheter AB/Enneff Intressenter AB and Anders Bladh representing Ribbskottet
AB. Notably, Ribbskottet AB is not the third largest shareholder/shareholder
group, but certain shareholders have abstained from their right to appoint a
member to the nomination committee.

Shareholders who wish to bring a matter before the shareholder at the annual
general meeting, or to make suggestions to the election committee, may write to
the administration of Viking Supply Ships AB. Such request shall be made in
writing to the IR & Treasury Director, Morten G. Aggvin, who also has been
appointed as secretary of the nomination committee. Request must be received by
the company no later than 1st February 2016 or in such due time in advance that
the company can include the matter in the summons to annual general meeting if
so required.

The company will revert with a date and place of the annual general meeting in
connection with publishing the quarterly report for the period January –
September 2015 which according to the company’s calendar is 12th November 2015
at 08:30 am.

For further information please contact:

Morten G. Aggvin, IR & Treasury Director, Viking Supply Ships AB, Box 11397,
40428 Gothenburg, tel: +47 41 04 71 25,

Viking Supply Ships AB (publ) is a Swedish company with headquarter in
Gothenburg, Sweden. Viking Supply Ships A/S is a subsidiary of Viking Supply
Ships AB (publ). In addition Viking Supply Ships AB (publ) has the subsidiary
TransAtlantic AB. The operations are focused on offshore and icebreaking
primarily in Arctic and subarctic areas as well as on RoRo and container feeder
services mainly between the Baltic Sea and the Continent. The company has in
total about 750 employees and the turnover in 2014 was MSEK 3,190. The company’s
B-shares are listed on the NASDAQ Stockholm, Small Cap segment. For further
information, please visit:

Viking Supply Ships AB is obliged to make this information public according to
the Financial Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act (Sw:
lagen om värdepappersmarknaden and lagen om handel med finansiella instrument).
The information was submitted for publication on 6th October, 2015 at 19:00 pm.

