Dilaforette initiates Phase II clinical trial with sevuparin in sickle-cell disease

STOCKHOLM - October 13, 2015. Karolinska Development AB (Nasdaq Stockholm: KDEV) announces that its portfolio company Dilaforette AB has enrolled the first patient in a clinical Phase II study with sevuparin in patients with sickle-cell disease (SCD).

The Phase II study is a multi-center, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in hospitalized SCD patients experiencing vaso-occlusive crisis. Sevuparin is an innovative, proprietary polysaccharide drug which has the potential to restore blood flow and prevent further microvascular obstructions caused by abnormal blood cells in SCD patients.

SCD is a disabling and potentially fatal disease with a large unmet medical need in both the developed and developing world. In the US and in Europe, it is estimated that close to 100,000 and 35,000 patients, respectively, are diagnosed with this hereditary disease. There is also an even larger patient pool in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

Jim Van heusden, CEO of Karolinska Development, comments: “The start of this proof of concept trial with sevuparin in patients with SCD is an important milestone. We look forward to the study results in the second half of 2016 as a positive outcome would represent a major value inflection point for Dilaforette, a company in which Karolinska Development holds a significant interest.”

For more information about Dilaforette and the clinical study, please visit www.dilaforette.se.


For further information, please contact:
Jim Van heusden, CEO, Karolinska Development AB
Phone: +46 72 858 32 09, e-mail: jim.van.heusden@karolinskadevelopment.com 

David Dible/Mark Swallow/Pip Batty, Citigate Dewe Rogerson
Phone: +44 20 7638 9571; e-mail: david.dible@citigatedr.co.uk



About Karolinska Development AB
Karolinska Development AB is an investment company focused on identifying medical innovation and investing in the creation and growth of companies developing these assets into differentiated products that will make a difference to patients’ lives and provide an attractive return on investment.

Karolinska Development has access to world-class medical innovations at the Karolinska Institutet and other leading universities and research institutes in the Nordic region. The Company aims to build companies around scientists who are leaders in their fields, supported by experienced management teams and advisers, and co-funded by specialist international investors, to provide the greatest chance of success.

Karolinska Development has established a portfolio of 12 companies targeting opportunities in innovative treatment for life-threatening or serious debilitating diseases.

The Company is led by a team including investment professionals with strong venture capital backgrounds, experienced company builders and entrepreneurs, with access to a strong global network.

For more information, please visit www.karolinskadevelopment.com

Karolinska Development is listed on NASDAQ OMX (KDEV). Karolinska Development may be required to disclose the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act.


Dilaforette initiates Phase II clinical trial with sevuparin in sickle-cell disease.pdf