Interim report January-September 2015

Even though all business areas reported positive earnings in Q3, this report is
generally characterized by weak results. The Engineering Services Nordic
business area’s profit for the quarter was negatively affected by investments in
growth and a lower utilization rate as a result of new recruitments. Engineering
Services Germany, like other companies in Germany, is continuing to adapt its
activities to new legislation concerning the increased share of deliveries with
project responsibility. This is in line with our strategy of increasing the
number of project deliveries and we are currently actively working to streamline
our organization in Germany, with the highest priority being given to profitable
growth. The appointment of a new business area president is an important part of
this initiative. We are also following developments at Volkswagen very
carefully. We haven’t so far seen any short-term effects to our working
relationship with them, but we are preparing ourselves to handle any possible
changes. The Product Information business area concluded sales to one of the
major customers in China, which negatively affected results. It is however
pleasing that the business area signed a new international partnership deal in
the quarter. This is once again proof that our global delivery model is
Third quarter
• The operating income was SEK 611 million (612) and organic growth was -2%
• The operating profit was SEK 13 million (32), giving an operating margin of
2.2% (5.2)
• The profit after tax was SEK 9 million (23)
• Earnings per share (EPS) after dilution was SEK 0.51 (1.26)

• The operating income was SEK 1,920 million (1,995) and organic growth was -5%
• The operating profit was SEK 19 million (76), giving an operating margin of
1.0% (3.8)
• The profit after tax was SEK 12 million (53)
• Earnings per share (EPS) after dilution was SEK 0.66 (2.93)
• The equity/assets ratio was 47% (49)
• Return on shareholder’s’ equity was 5% (11)

Income and result
Third quarter
The operating income amounted to SEK 611 million (612). Organic growth, adjusted
for currency effects, acquisitions and divestments, amounted to -2 per cent. The
operating profit amounted to SEK 13 million (32), giving an operating margin of
2.2 per cent (5.2). Compared with last year, all business areas, except
Engineering Services International, reported worse results. The Product
Information business area’s results were negatively affected by sales to one of
the major customers in China concluding in Q3. Net financial items amounted to
SEK -1 million (-1), giving a profit before tax of SEK 12 million (31). The tax
expense for the quarter amounted to SEK 3 million (8). The profit after tax
amounted to SEK 9 million (23) and EPS after dilution was SEK 0.51 (1.26).

The operating income amounted to SEK 1,920 million (1,995). Organic growth,
adjusted for currency effects, acquisitions and divestments, amounted to -5 per
cent. The business area Engineering Services Germany, adjusted for currency
effects, reported lower income of 12 per cent, due to the transition underway in
the German market. Last year’s sales also included a large portion of purchased
goods and services in some projects. The operating profit amounted to SEK 19
million (76), giving an operating margin of 1.0 per cent (3.8). The Engineering
Services Germany business area reported significantly weaker results due to the
drop in sales and restructuring costs of SEK 20 million (2). Restructuring costs
affected the Group’s overall operating profit by SEK 22 million (6). Net
financial items amounted to SEK -3 million (-4), giving a profit before tax of
SEK 16 million (72). The tax expense for the period amounted to SEK 4 million
(19). The profit after tax amounted to SEK 12 million (53) and EPS after
dilution amounted to SEK 0.66 (2.93).

Financial position
The operating cash flow from current activities was SEK -107 million (-43). Cash
flow is seasonally weak in the first three quarters of the year, but this year
it was also affected by weaker operating profit compared with previous year.
Investments in hardware, licenses, office supplies and equipment amounted to SEK
29 million (20). The Group’s liquid assets amounted to SEK 43 million (76) with
additional non-utilized credit of SEK 179 million (230) as at 30 September. The
Group’s credit agreements were extended at the start of Q4 and will run until
October 2018. Shareholders’ equity amounted to SEK 617 million (648) and the
equity/assets ratio was 47 per cent (49). During Q2 a dividend worth SEK 45
million (45) was paid to shareholders. In addition, share buy backs were carried
out to acquire 100,000 Semcon shares for SEK 6 million. The Group’s net debt
amounts to SEK 214 million (110). Excluding pension commitments, net debt
amounted to SEK 146 million (57). The debt/equity ratio was 0.3 times (0.2) with
an interest coverage ratio of 12 times (21).

Staff and organisation
The headcount on 30 September was 2,864 (3,050). The number of employees in
active service was 2,783 (2,940). Divestment and downsizing of business
activities have been carried out over the past year, which have resulted in a
fall in the number of employees. In the respective business areas the headcount
is as follows: Engineering Services Nordic 1,011 (1,071), Engineering Services
Germany 980 (1,069), Engineering Services International 345 (359) and Product
Information 528 (551).
For more information please contact
Markus Granlund, CEO Semcon AB, +46 31-721 03 06
Björn Strömberg, CFO Semcon AB, +46 31-721 03 06
Per Nilsson, Communications Director Semcon AB, +46 73-973 72 00
Semcon is an international technology company in the engineering services and
product information sectors. We have around 3,000 employees with extensive
experience from many different industries. We develop technology, products,
plant and information solutions along the entire development chain and also
provide many services and products in areas such as quality control, training
and methodology development. We contribute to our customers’ competitive
strength by providing innovative solutions, design and solid engineering
expertise. The business activities are run via four business areas: Engineering
Services Nordic, Engineering Services Germany, Engineering Services
International and Product Information. Work processes and solutions are adapted
to customer requirements, from taking part in the customer’s teams to in-house
development projects. The Group had annual sales of SEK 2.7 billion in 2014 with
activities at more than 40 sites in Sweden, Germany, the UK, Brazil, China,
Hungary, India, Spain and Norway. Some of Semcon’s biggest customers include:
ABB, AB Volvo, Audi, BMW, Daimler, Ericsson, Jaguar Land Rover, Scania, Volvo
Cars and VW.

