Saab's Results January-September 2015

Defence and security company Saab presents the results for January-September
Statement by the President and CEO Håkan Buskhe:

In September, the order from the Brazilian government for 36 Gripen NG was
received. It is the largest export order in Saab’s history, and also one of the
largest Swedish export orders ever. The order value was SEK 39.3 billion and was
booked in the third quarter.

Saab has now an order backlog of SEK 105 billion, which is more than four times
annual sales. Our focus is to secure efficient deliveries to the customer. At
the same time, Saab shall take advantage of the improved market position in
order to develop further and continue to increase order bookings.

Increased sales
During the year’s first nine months, sales amounted to MSEK 17,116 (16,102), an
increase of 6 per cent compared to last year. The business area Aeronautics
increased sales considerably as a result of part deliveries of Gripen for Sweden
and Brazil.

The operating income amounted to MSEK 553 (901) during the period, and the
operating margin was 3.2 per cent (5.6). The operating income was impacted by
continued investments in the cooperation with Boeing in order to participate in
the U.S. Air Force’s upcoming procurement regarding trainer aircraft, the so
called T-X program, and an operating loss in business area Dynamics following
low order bookings previous years.

The cash flow was strengthened during the third quarter, mainly due to milestone
payments within Saab Kockums and the Gripen programmes.

Complex defence market
The defence market is still strongly affected by major geopolitical changes and
the global economy. The defence industry invests large amounts, which is
increasingly self-funded, on technology development in projects with long lead
times. Furthermore, large defence procurements are preceded by political
processes, which often are difficult to assess, both in terms of timing and

The interest in Saab’s large systems, such as the combat aircraft system Gripen,
the submarine system A26 and radar systems, is growing. This means sizeable
business opportunities for Saab, despite the market conditions. However, it also
places high demands on Saab to maintain a certain capacity also in between large
projects, such as continuous investments in R&D and also that some work is done
before a contract is signed in order to uphold and increase competitiveness.

Continued focus on efficiencies
We expect an organic sales growth during 2015. This can mostly be handled with
existing resources; meanwhile we see possibilities for efficiency improvements
to increase profitability. As a first step towards increased efficiency and
greater market focus, we will as of 1 January 2016 implement an organisational
change. The business area Security and Defence Solutions (SDS) will dissolve and
its business units will be moved to other business areas. The assessment is that
this enables increased synergies in the operation and secures market focus.
Simultaneously with the organisational change, we will strengthen the functional
processes within Saab. The purpose of this is to reduce administrational costs,
create internal synergies and increase the focus on performance management.

Unchanged outlook statement 2015
During the year, a number of important business opportunities have entailed
increased development and marketing efforts. The outcome of these business
opportunities may have a significant effect on this year’s income statement and
balance sheet.

The outlook for 2015 remains unchanged.

Unchanged outlook statement 2015:

  · In 2015, we estimate sales to increase more than Saab’s long-term goal:
annual organic sales growth of 5 per cent.
  · The operating margin 2015 excluding material non-recurring items is expected
to be in line with the operating margin in 2014. In 2015, increased internally
funded research and development efforts within Aeronautics will have a negative
impact on the operating margin.

Financial highlights

MSEK                   Jan-Sep  Jan     Change,  Q3      Q3     Full
                       2015     -Sep    %        2015    2014   Year
                                2014                            2014
Order bookings         62,599   10,199  514      43,603  2,073  22,602
Order backlog          105,486  54,910  92                      60,128
Sales                  17,116   16,102  6        5,787   5,130  23,527
Gross income           3,956    4,226   -6       1,282   1,330  6,077
Gross margin, %        23.1     26.2             22.2    25.9   25.8
EBITDA                 1,259    1,536   -18      429     477    2,523
EBITDA margin, %       7.4      9.5              7.4     9.3    10.7
Operating income       553      901     -39      186     258    1,659
Operating margin, %    3.2      5.6              3.2     5.0    7.1
Net income             293      582     -50      36      170    1,168
Earnings per share     2.47     5.40             0.25    1.57   10.86
before dilution, SEK
Earnings per share     2.45     5.36             0.24    1.55   10.78
after dilution, SEK
Return on equity, %*   7.8      7.6                             9.9
Free cash flow         -1,595   -2,100           487     -710   -1,094
Free cash flow per     -14.99   -19.59           4.57    -6.64  -10.23
share after dilution,
* The return on equity
is measured over a
rolling 12- month

Press and analyst meeting

Press, financial analysts and investors are invited to the presentation of
Saab’s interim report for the period January-September and the third quarter

Date: Friday, 23 October at 10:00 (CET)
Address: Grand Hôtel, Blasieholmshamnen 8, Stockholm, Sweden
Venue: New York

You are welcome to participate on site at Grand Hôtel, watch the live webcast or
dial in to the conference call. It is possible to post questions also over the
web and conference call.

Live webcast:

Conference call:
Please, dial in using one of the numbers below:
UK: +44 20 342 814 09
US: +1 8663859214
Sweden: +46 8 566 426 66

The interim report, the presentation material and the webcast will be available

Tel: +46 8 463 02 45

For further information, please contact:
Saab Press Centre,
+46 (0)734 180 018,

Saab Investor Relations, Ann-Sofi Jönsson, +46 (0) 734 187 214

Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and
solutions ranging from military defence to civil security. Saab has operations
and employees on all continents and constantly develops, adopts and improves new
technology to meet customers’ changing needs.

The information is that which Saab AB is required to declare by the Securities
Business Act and/or the Financial instruments Trading Act. The information was
submitted for publication on 23 October 2015 at 07.30 (CET).


CU 15-079 Saab Result January-September 2015.pdf 10233159.pdf