DBI Software Announces pureFeat(TM) V6.2 Performance Management Suite for IBM DB2 LUW

NEW Features Make it Easier Than Ever to Fight the RIGHT Fires FASTER

AUSTIN, Texas, Oct. 23, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As a DBA or manager, your company counts on you to fight the right fires fast. Today, that task just got much faster and easier with the release of DBI Software’s pureFeat™ V6.2 Performance Management Suite for IBM DB2 LUW. Already the acknowledged leader in optimizing IBM DB2 LUW databases, and acclaimed by Database Trends and Applications as one of the Top 100 Companies That Matter Most in Data, DBI’s pureFeat V6.2 pulls even farther ahead of the pack by adding many customer suggested enhancements plus a major breakthrough in automated index tuning!

Thanks to customer suggestions, pureFeat customers can now compare performance across two different databases, record comprehensive notes for a SQL statement in one mouse click, plus see relative percentage weights of each processing step within Explains with the highest cost steps highlighted.  A new report identifies indexes that are harmful to performance and another report summarizes all flagged statements across a database.

The crowned jewel of this release is a DBI innovation called “Index Benefit Analysis”.  DBI pureFeat takes the recommended index output from IBM program ‘db2advis’ and adds enormous value by detailing how much benefit is derived from each recommended index individually along with how much value is lost if an index isn’t created as part of the solution set.  When ‘db2advis’ recommends multiple indexes, DBI’s Index Benefit Analysis is absolutely invaluable because DBAs can instantly tell which indexes are the most important!  And, surprisingly, sometimes we see that some ‘db2advis’ recommended indexes can actually be harmful to workload performance!

As amazing as these new functions are, they represent just a few of several improvements in pureFeat V6.2.  At pureFeat’s heart are patented, award-winning technologies that allow users to pinpoint root-cause problems in about 15 seconds, solve them in an hour or less, and save clients hundreds of thousands of dollars in CPU’s, memory, licenses, consulting fees, and wasted time.

Scott Hayes, President and Founder of DBI Software, said, “I’ve taught how to do Index Benefit Analysis by hand calculations at IDUG conferences.  The calculations can take hours and are prone to error.  You don’t have hours to fix a performance issue when managers are screaming and your application is failing.  Remarkably, DBI pureFeat gets this sophisticated analysis done in seconds!” When asked about the other new features, Hayes responded, “DBI customers are part of our family.  We work alongside them regularly and we treasure their suggestions.  DBI pureFeat is a toolset developed by DBAs for DBAs and is loaded with many years of real-world experience.”

pureFeat™ V6.2 is a completely free upgrade for DBI Software’s annual clients, and stems from DBI’s single-minded passion for proactively helping customers. This is just one of the many reasons DBI Software has a 98% client retention rate. To learn more about pureFeat™ V6.2, join our next educational demonstration webinar on 3 December 2015 at 12pm ET/11am CT: http://www.dbisoftware.com/events.php

DBI pureFeat™ V6.2 supports IBM DB2 LUW versions V9.1 and higher.  To use some of pureFeat’s features, DB2 V9.7 FP5 or higher is required.  DBI pureFeat V6.2 supports IBM DB2 BLU V10.5 and is available for immediate download.

About DBI

DBI (Database-Brothers, Inc.), headquartered in Austin, Texas, is a trusted partner for Breakthrough DB2 Performance Solutions that deliver highly-valuable results for organizations having the most demanding  requirements and discriminating preferences. Over 30% of the Top 25 Retailers, along with large banks, state governments, insurance companies, top healthcare companies, leading manufacturers, and many others use DBI to meet their demanding DB2 performance requirements. For information about DBI, please visit www.DBISoftware.com.

DBI, DBI logos, and all other DBI product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of Database-Brothers, Inc. DB2 is a registered trademark of IBM.  All other trademarks or registered trademarks belong to their respective companies. © 2015, Database-Brothers, Inc.  All rights reserved.


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