Diet Doc Unveils the Perfect Holiday Diet Plans that Enable their Patients to Lose Weight and Avoid Holiday Weight Gain Stress, Even While Enjoying Traditional Thanksgiving Recipes

Now, Diet Doc patients can indulge in their favorite Thanksgiving dishes without guilt or holiday weight gain stress because their newly designed holiday diet plans deliver fast weight loss - even during the holidays

MIAMI, Nov. 10, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The typical American Thanksgiving spread usually includes annual homemade, high calorie dishes, plenty of gravy and a myriad of mouthwatering desserts. And, even though it may be hard to believe that this could be the perfect time to begin losing dangerous and embarrassing excess fat, it really is. Diet Doc has developed holiday diet plans that uncover the secret to boosting the metabolism into high gear for safe and fast weight loss without leaving their patients feeling deprived and without holiday weight gain stress – even during the Thanksgiving holiday.

Decades of scientific and nutritional research, combined with the most modern medical understanding and the best minds in the weight loss industry has revealed that short periods of consuming a high fat diet dramatically increases the body's metabolism and fat oxidation. The company incorporated this state-of-the-art strategy into their already impressive and effective medically designed and doctor supervised diet plans and have created their holiday diet plans that enable their patients to enjoy traditional Thanksgiving treats without guilt or anxiety, without holiday weight gain stress, and without additional weight gain.

This is how Diet Doc's holiday diet plans work:

For two full days, patients are encouraged to load up on their favorite Thanksgiving recipes, boosting the metabolism and preparing the body to begin burning extra fat.

Phase I begins with patients following meal and snack plans that are professionally designed by Diet Doc's certified nutritionists to be compatible and personal to each patient's age, gender, activity level, medical conditions and nutritional needs. During this time, each patient's fast weight loss team will begin teaching them how to abandon bad eating behaviors and how to begin incorporating nutrient-rich, low calorie foods into their menu.

Because processed, high calorie and high carbohydrate foods are being eliminated from the diet, the body begins seeking out old fat that is stored in the hard to reach areas - the belly, hips, thighs and buttocks. This old fat is released into the bloodstream and quickly flushed from the system as the body burns it for energy. Patients very quickly notice that they are beginning to feel better and have increased energy levels as the pounds and inches quickly melt from these difficult to lose areas.

During Phase III, patients begin looking and feeling better than ever before. Weight loss during this time continues to be steady and, depending on each patient's personal weight loss goals, can last between two and three months.

Phase IV typically finds Diet Doc patients instinctively choosing healthy foods that will nourish the body without weight gain. Patients have reached their ideal weight. Some foods are being re-incorporated into the diet, and this is the time to enter the maintenance phase. Patients will work closely with their fast weight loss team to learn how to avoid weight regain and how to sustain their new, slimmer, healthier and sexier body long term.

New patients can easily and effortlessly call 888-934-4451 or visit to complete an initial health questionnaire and speak directly with one of the company's specially trained fast weight loss doctors via an online interview. During this initial consultation, the entire system is reviewed to uncover weight loss barriers that may have been previously overlooked, medical history is assessed and weight loss goals are examined. Each patient will receive a full written report of the doctors' findings, along with recommendations for the safest, fastest and most effective approach to reach their ideal weight. And, while all patients are eligible for nutritionist-designed, personal meal and snack plans, many will qualify to accelerate weight loss by incorporating Diet Doc's pure, prescription hormone diet treatments, exclusive diet pills and powerful fat burners to their dieting regimen. This incredible combination actually works in unison with the meal plans to signal the brain to search for fat that has become comfortably and dangerously stored in the cells and around the internal organs to be forced into the bloodstream, burned and quickly released from the system. The fast weight loss motivates patients, while the prescription medications keeps the urge to reach for unhealthy foods at bay, eliminates loss of energy and controls between meal hunger and headaches while dieting.

Diet Doc monitors each patient's fast weight loss journey and makes their staff available on an unlimited basis throughout. They design their new holiday diet plans for people of all ages, genders, shapes and sizes and for those who are struggling to lose that final 10-20 pounds to those who must lose 100 pounds or more. What better way to begin the holiday season, without weight gain stress, than embarking on the journey to improved physical and emotional health through safe, fast and comfortable weight loss.

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.

Diet Doc Contact Information:
Providing care across the USA
San Diego, CA
(888) 934-4451
Facebook: https://www.facebook/DietDocMedicalWeightLoss?ref=hl

Company ProfileDiet Doc Diet and Weight LossIndustry: Pharmaceuticals & BiotechnologyWebsite: