After an extensive evaluation process, NOTE has been appointed as the manufacturing partner to Philips Mammography Solutions. The division of Philips Healthcare has announced a re-organization of its operations in Solna, Sweden, and has decided to outsource a large part of its in-house electronics assembly to NOTE’s plant in Norrtälje, Sweden. This transfer will use several of NOTE Norrtelje’s capabilities, for example complex assembly in a clean room environment, which involves testing. Philips Mammography Solutions develops and manufactures Philips MicroDose, a Full-Field Digital Mammography Unit (FFDM), which is proven to be a powerful diagnostic tool for the early detection of breast cancer. The partnership will centre on the MicroDose detector unit, a complex module which later assembles into the MicroDose modality that offers excellent image quality and high throughput in a low-dose system. "We went into the supplier selection process with limited experience of NOTE, but were immediately impressed by the culture, people and the top-class capabilities at their facility in Norrtälje. This was also confirmed through our formal audit process. NOTE will be a partner that can give us the engineering and manufacturing support we need, combined with flexibility and geographical proximity. We see a clear, consistent theme in NOTE’s values, working methods and communication, from management to the factory floor, and this makes us feel secure", commented Ivan Davegårdh, Senior Manager Operations at Philips Mammography Solutions. "We’re really delighted and proud that Philips has chosen us as their new Strategic Partner to the reorganization of Philips Mammography in competition with their already existing suppliers. The partnership fits perfectly, Philips is a customer with high standards, and that is what we like the most", responded Henrik Nygren, CFO and acting President and CEO of NOTE. "Our strengthened capabilities and ISO 13485 certification continues to pay off", concluded Martin Gutberg, Managing Director, NOTE in Norrtälje. For more information, please contact: Henrik Nygren, CFO and acting President and CEO of NOTE, tel. +46 (0)8 568 99003, +46 (0)70 977 0686 Martin Gutberg, Managing Director of NOTE Norrtelje AB, +46 (0)176 794 70, +46 (0)70 878 8039 Ivan Davegårdh, Senior Manager Operations at Philips Mammography Solutions, tel. +46 (0)70 508 3939 About NOTE NOTE is one of the leading Northern European manufacturing and logistics partners for production of electronics-based products. NOTE produces PCBAs, sub -assemblies and box build products. NOTE's offering covers the whole product lifecycle, from design to after-sales. NOTE has a presence in Sweden, Norway, Finland, the UK, Estonia and China. Net sales in the last 12 months were SEK 1 064 million; the group has approximately 960 employees. NOTE is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, please go to About Philips Healthcare At Philips, we are dedicated to delivering innovation that matters to our customers and the patients they serve. We do this by developing innovative solutions across the continuum of care in partnership with clinicians and our customers to improve patient outcomes, provide more and better value, and expand access to care. Philips is one of the world’s leading healthcare companies (based on sales) along with General Electric and Siemens. The United States, our largest market, represented 40% of Healthcare’s global sales in 2013, followed by China, Japan and Germany. Growth geographies accounted for 25% of Healthcare sales. NOTE AB (publ) discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication on 15 December 2015 at 8:30 a.m.
NOTE awarded prestigious assignment from Philips Healthcare
| Source: NOTE AB