New Prescription Diet Aids from Diet Doc Help Produce Fast Weight Loss for Users Across America

To help dieters fulfill their New Year resolutions, Diet Doc now offers prescription diet aids available nationwide, providing fast weight loss to those looking for a reliable diet provider they can trust.

NEW YORK, Jan. 6, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The holidays are over and Americans are looking New Year resolutions squarely in the face. Most looking for fast weight loss have the best intentions, yet lack the knowledge or resources to find the best prescription diet aids or fast weight loss plans in their area. Because of a lack of local resources, many are even spending thousands on local walk-in weight loss clinics, most largely unsuccessful at helping clients lose any significant weight or keep it off long term. To help dieters fulfill their New Year resolutions, Diet Doc now offers prescription diet aids available nationwide, providing fast weight loss to those looking for a reliable diet provider they can trust.

While a low carbohydrate diet plan has proven to be effective at producing weight loss, results can actually be increased with the proper prescription weight loss aids. Diet Doc not only offers prescription diet aids to help boost the body's natural weight loss ability, but also combines these powerful diet aids with a doctor supervised comprehensive weight loss plan proven to help the company's average client lose as much as 20 pounds per month, safely and effectively.

The Diet Doc weight loss system begins with a comprehensive doctor consultation, during which the company's licensed doctor will evaluate client health, including metabolic effectiveness, age, gender, and all the individual factors that contribute to the client losing weight more effectively. This evaluation is always done easily and conveniently from the client's own home via Skype or even teleconference. The Diet Doc doctor consultation is included in the comprehensive weight loss package for one low price, as is each subsequent doctor evaluation, as each client is allowed unlimited access to the company's stable of licensed nutritionists, nurses, diet coaches, and of course, doctors.

With Diet Doc, there is always a dedicated expert staff member at the end of e telephone to lend assistance, alter or improve the client's specialized weight loss plan, prescribe more powerful weight loss aids, or simply lend an ear and offer moral support to keep clients motivated.

After clients receive their doctor evaluation, the doctor will allow access to any of the prescription diet aids offered by the company. These prescription diet aids are specially formulated by Diet Doc's in-house doctors, and prescribed to help boost results, turning average weight loss into fast weight loss overnight.

Unlike online pharmacies, who operate chiefly out of India and China, Diet Doc produces its powerful prescription diet aids in a United States based, FDA licensed compounding pharmacy, so clients know that the ingredients are safe and closely monitored for purity, quality, and effectiveness.

To order any of Diet Doc's prescription diet aids, or to begin one of the company's profoundly successful comprehensive weight loss plans, simply visit the Diet Doc official website at or call a Diet Doc representative at 888-934-4451 today.

Diet Doc is the nation's leader in fast weight loss, offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse, and coaching support. 
About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support.  For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss. 
Diet Doc Contact Information:
Providing care across the USA
San Diego, CA
(888) 934-4451
Facebook: DietDocMedicalWeightLoss