Swedbank’s Annual Report for 2015 has been published at www.swedbank.com/ir together with the bank’s Risk Management and Capital Adequacy Report 2015. Swedbank’s sustainability work is a central part of the bank’s operations and the sustainability report is thus an integral part of the Annual Report. In addition, there is a separate sustainability appendix in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative, G4. Swedbank AB (publ) is required to disclose this information pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act (2007:528), the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980) and/or the regulatory framework of Nasdaq Stockholm). This information was sent to be published on February 25 2016 at 15.45 CET. For further information: Cecilia Hernqvist, Head of Group Communications, Swedbank, phone: + 46 70 681 07 39 Gregori Karamouzis, Head of Investor Relations, Swedbank, phone: + 46 72 740 63 38 Swedbank promotes a sound and sustainable financial situation for the many people, households and companies. Our vision is to contribute to development “Beyond Financial Growth”. As a leading bank in the home markets of Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Swedbank offers a wide range of financial services and products. Swedbank has over 7 million retail customers and around 600 000 corporate customers and organisations with 275 branches in Sweden and 144branches in the Baltic countries. The group is also present in other Nordic countries, the US and China. As of 31 December 2015 the group had total assets of SEK 2 149 billion. Read more at www.swedbank.com
Swedbank’s Annual Report 2015 published
| Source: Swedbank AB