JSC "KURZEMES ATSLEGA 1" Annual Report 2015 (Non-audited)

Kalvenes street 27, Aizpute, LV-3456, Latvia, 2016-02-29 15:52 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

The action type of the Joint Stock Company “KURZEMES ATSLEGA 1” during 2015 has not changed in comparison with previous periods of time: door locks, ironware, furniture fittings, forged products, building structures, production tools etc. are still being produced and services of galvanization provided.

The fixed capital of the JSC “KURZEMES ATSLEGA 1” is 1 285 401 EUR. In 2015 net turnover reached 1 865 956 EUR, profit 493 EUR.

Profit per stock 31.12.2015. 0.001 EUR

Profit per stock 31.12.2014. 0.02 EUR

Net turnover of 2015 compared with 2014 has reduced by 197 119 EUR, what makes 9.6% of turnover of the 2014. Export has reduced by 19.6 %. The main export markets EU are Lithuania and Estonia. Deliveries to Belize are terminated, declined demands in Uzbekistan.

Volume of sold production in 2015 divides as follows:

  • sold in local market (Latvia) – 56.8%,

  • EU deliveries 30.6%

  • export - 12.6%

The volume of sold production in 2014 divided as follows:

  • sold in local market (Latvia) – 51.4%,

  • EU deliveries 26.6%

  • export - 22%


Item 31.12.2015. 31.12.2014.
Net sales 1865956 2063075
Cost of sales 1728414 1920239
Gross profit 137542 142836
Distribution expenses 37131 52821
Administration expenses 91819 74878
Other operating income 20970 39449
Other operating expenses 21378 22856
Operating profit 8184 31730
Interest paid and similar expense 1330 1406
Profit before tax 6854 30324
Deferred tax income 1675 1124
Other taxes -5226 -5304
Enterprise income tax -2810 -862
Net profit for the year 493 25282


Please find the document „KA1_Non-aud_Fin_Report_2015.pdf" in attachment.

         Irena Burve
         Chief accountant
         A/S Kurzemes Atslega-1
         Kalvenes street 27
         Aizpute, LV-3456
         Tel.: +371 63448075

