The Nomination Committee’s proposal for a Board of Directors in Wallenstam - Karin Mattsson Weijber is proposed as a new member

Wallenstam’s Nomination Committee proposes that the Board should consist of five
ordinary members. The Nomination Committee proposes the re-election of Christer
Villard, Anders Berntsson, Ulrica Jansson Messing and Agneta Wallenstam. In
addition, the Nomination Committee’s proposes the new election of Karin Mattson
Weijber and expresses its thanks to Erik Åsbrink for 16 years of loyal and
meritorious work as a Board member. The Nomination Committee proposes the re
-election of Christer Villard as Chairman of the Board.
Karin Mattsson Weijber was born in 1972 and is educated in personnel and
occupational issues as well as business administration. Karin’s current roles
include board work, lecturing activities (mainly about leadership) and advisory
services and she has previous experience including as chairman of the Swedish
Sports Confederation, development leader, skills development manager and deputy
membership manager of the Federation of Swedish Farmers.

Some of Karin’s current directorships include chairman of WCR 2019
Jämtland/Härjedalen AB, Flyinge AB and Ridskolan Strömsholm AB and board member
of Folksam Sak, Frösö Park Fastighets AB, ENGSO (European Non-Governmental
Sports Organisation), Konungens Stiftelse Ungt Ledarskap, Astrid Lindgrens Värld
AB and Mid Sweden University.

“On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Erik Åsbrink for the last 16
years during which he served as a Board member in a meritorious way and
contributed to the Board’s work with great commitment,” says Christer Villard,
Chairman of the Board of Wallenstam.

The Board’s complete proposals for resolution at the Annual General Meeting 2016
including its reasoned statement, further information about the proposed Board
members and a report of the Nomination Committee’s work will be provided not
later that in connection with publication of the notice convening the Annual
General Meeting.

Wallenstam AB (publ) is required to make this information public under the
provisions of the Swedish Financial Markets Act and the Swedish Financial
Instruments Trading Act. This information was released for publication on 4th of
March 2016 at noon 12.00 CET.
For more information and photos:

Elisabeth Vansvik, Director of Communications, Wallenstam AB (publ) tel. 46 31
20 00 00 or 46 705 17 11 38
Wallenstam is a growing property company that manages, builds and develops
properties for sustainable living and enterprise in Gothenburg and Stockholm.
The property holding is valued at around SEK 32 billion and the customer base
consists of just over 7,300 households and 1,000 enterprises. The total lettable
area is around 1 million sq m. Wallenstam is self-sufficient in renewable energy
through the company Svensk NaturEnergi. The company’s B shares have been listed
on Nasdaq Stockholm since 1984.

