At the Annual General Meeting in Arise on 3 May 2016 the Nomination Committee in Arise AB (publ) is proposing re-election of the board members Jon Brandsar, Joachim Gahm, Peter Gyllenhammar and Maud Olofsson. Peter Nygren has declined re -election. The Nomination Committee also proposes that Joachim Gahm is re -elected as Chairman of the Board. The members of the Nomination Committee in Arise are Johan Claesson (CA etc.), Bengt Hellström (Tredje AP-fonden), Leif Jansson (L Energy Holding & Ny Holding AB etc.), Unni Hongseth (Statkraft) and the Chairman of the Board Joachim Gahm. Halmstad, 11 March 2016 ARISE AB (publ) For further information, please contact Linus Hägg, head of IR Arise AB, + 46 70 244 89 16 Jonas Frii, secretary of the Board of Directors, + 46 70 762 08 54 The information contained herein constitutes information which Arise AB is legally required to publish under the Swedish Securities Market Act (2007:528) and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980). The information was released for publication at 14.00 p.m. on 11 March 2016. About Arise Arise is one of Sweden's leading wind power companies with the business concept to develop, build and manage onshore wind farms for its own account and on behalf of investors. The company is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. Arise AB (publ), P.O. Box 808, SE-301 18 Halmstad, Sweden, telephone 46 (0)35 20 20 900, corporate id .no. 556274-6726 E-mail,