WASHINGTON, March 16, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- National Disability Institute (NDI), the nation's leading nonprofit for advancing the economic opportunities of individuals with disabilities, announced today that it has entered into a cooperative agreement with America Saves, a campaign of the Consumer Federation of America (CFA). Both organizations have mutual goals to encourage savings, reduce debt and build wealth among economically vulnerable populations nationwide.
The two organizations will leverage their networks and resources to expand opportunities for individuals across the spectrum of disabilities to make a savings plan by choosing a savings goal and an amount to save each month.
"No individual wants to live in poverty. Becoming a part of America Saves offers a customized pathway to a better economic future and higher quality of life," Michael Morris, NDI Executive Director, said. "This strategic partnership moves both groups from common vision to action and collective impact."
"America Saves is pleased to join forces with NDI to encourage individuals with disabilities to make saving automatic and build wealth," Nancy Register, America Saves Director, said. "Through this collaboration, more American households will have access to resources and strategies to improve and change their savings behavior."
As part of the organizations' cooperative agreement, NDI will introduce the America Saves Campaign to national disability organizations through joint efforts with CFA by linking organization websites to the America Saves campaign, presentations on webinars to NDI's Real Economic Impact Network of more than 4,000 organizations in 50 states, and connecting disability organizations to local America Saves Campaigns. CFA will support NDI financial inclusion programs for working age adults with disabilities by identifying opportunities at a local, state and national level for the target audience to join the America Saves Campaign.
Over the next three years, NDI and America Saves will identify, document and disseminate success stories from the disability community that put a human face on the power of saving and resulting improvements in independence, community participation and quality of life for people with disabilities.
On March 22, 2016, the organizations will host a joint webinar, New Collaboration to Promote Savings Opportunities for Americans with Disabilities, which will highlight the initiatives NDI and America Saves have planned for the next three years. Registration for the webinar is free, and real-time captioning will be provided.
About National Disability Institute
National Disability Institute (NDI) is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to building a better economic future for people with disabilities. As the first national organization committed exclusively to championing economic empowerment, financial education, asset development and financial stability for all persons with disabilities, NDI affects change through public education, policy development, training, technical assistance and innovative initiatives. NDI and its Real Economic Impact (REI) Network have helped more than 2.3 million people with disabilities receive nearly $2.3 billion in tax refunds and credits. To learn more, visit www.realeconomicimpact.org. Engage with NDI on Facebook: RealEconImpact or follow NDI on Twitter: @RealEconImpact.
About America Saves
America Saves, a campaign managed by the nonprofit Consumer Federation of America, seeks to motivate, encourage, and support low- to moderate-income households to save money, reduce debt, and build wealth. The research-based campaign uses the principles of behavioral economics and social marketing to change behavior. Nonprofit, government, and corporate groups participate in America Saves nationally and through local, regional, and statewide campaigns around the country. America Saves encourages individuals and families to take the America Saves pledge and organizations to promote savings year-round and during America Saves Week. Learn more at americasaves.org and americasavesweek.org.
National Disability Institute and America Saves Announce Partnership
Organizations will leverage networks and resources to expand financial opportunities for individuals with disabilities
| Source: National Disability Institute
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